苏州万烁电子有限公司坐落于苏州工业园区,是以焊锡材料的研发生产、销售、售后支持等为核心业务的创新型企业。目前自主经营电子锡焊材料的wanso并且是kester的授权代理商,同时代理Chemtronics产品。其业务面覆盖全国,在华东和华南拥有专业的销售和售后服务技术团队。公司以先进的科学技术、优秀的服务团队、完善的管理体系、一流的服务态度为客户提供和设计有铅、无铅合金以及各种形状预成型焊片和各种规格的焊膏、焊丝、助焊剂。产品可用于回流焊、波峰焊、太阳能串焊等多种生产工艺。我们力求为客户提供最满意的解决方案!Kester TSF-6502 is a no-clean tacky soldering flux formula that possesses a high activity level, allowing it to solder nickel surfaces. The robust wetting action of TSF-6502 will allow OSP treated copper, as well as heavily oxidized copper, surfaces to exhibit good soldering properties, even after 2 or 3 thermal cycles. Following reflow, TSF-6502 will leave aesthetically pleasing clear residues on the assembly. TSF-6502 is designed for a wide range of temperature and humidity conditions.Kester TSF-6502 is a no-clean tacky soldering flux formula that possesses a high activity level, allowing it to solder nickel surfaces. The robust wetting action of TSF-6502 will allow OSP treated copper, as well as heavily oxidized copper, surfaces to exhibit good soldering properties, even after 2 or 3 thermal cycles. Following reflow, TSF-6502 will leave aesthetically pleasing clear residues on the assembly. TSF-6502 is designed for a wide range of temperature and humidity conditions.