B5020、B5032 本机床用以加工各种零件的平面、型面及键槽等,对单件或小批生产车间最为适合。 主转动的机构是变摇柄齿轮的回转运动为滑枕的往复运动,工作台可作纵向、横向和回转,自动与手动进给并可实现快速移动,工作台遇有故障时则自动停止进给. 本机床经心设计,标准化、通用化、系列化、自动化程度较高,布局合理,结构紧凑协调匀称。外形美观,维修方便。 机床使用三相交流电源,电压380伏,频率50赫. 对用户提出的其它电源条件,经过协商,可按特殊定货供应。 This machine tool is used process plsnes,model surfaces,key seating,etc,and it is suitable for the single-piece or small-batch production. The main transmission mechsnism is used for converting moting of the crank gear in to reciprocating moion of ram . the worktable us designed for ongirudinal ,cross and rotary feeding both auytomatically and manually..the feed is stopped automatically.when the worktable is in case of trouble. This machine is designed elaborately with high standardization,uniform ization ,systemation and has reasonable arrangement with compact and harmonical construcition,pleasing appearance,conveninent maintenance, The electric epuipment of this machine is suitable for 3-phasesA.C.power supply of 50 cycles.380V. Maims devices of vollages and or frequencies other than specified above can be suppoied according to the special order of users This machine tool is used process plsnes,model surfaces,key seating,etc,and it is suitable for the single-piece or small-batch production workshop. The main transmission mechsnism is to transmit the throw-over motion of the rock er arm into the to-and-fro motion of the ram the operating plantform can move vertically and horizontally and revolve it is able to achieve autonatic feed and hand operating feed Also it can move fast in case of breakdown,the platform will autobatically stotp feeding and achieve limit safety. When the machine tool is startede,stop using electromagnetic clutch so as to achieve concentration operation operation of the machine tool . Indexing mechanism is used for the graduagionof the throw-over motion of the operating platform parts are processed according to the desired graduation . This machine is carefulluy designed and it is chaeacteristic of standardization ,generalization,serialization,high degree automation,also it is of reasonable diatrbutin,compact sructure ,well-balanced proportion ,good outer looks and convenient maintenance. The lubrication of the machine tool is brought by the oil pump,amd lubrication oil is transmitted to various points by the oil-transmitting rubes wth convenient adiustment. The electric equipment of the machine tool is fixed in the bed at the back part of the lower bed it is safe and reliable because there are cimcentrated push buttons in the upper bed. As for other power source conditions raised by the customer .special orders of goods supply can be effected through negoti-ation |
技术规格 MAIN SPECIFICATIONS 加工范围 | Work range | B5020 | B5032 | 最大插削长度 | Max.slotting length | 200mm | 320mm | 工件最大加工尺寸(长*宽) | Max.dimensions of wodplece(L*H) | 485*200mmm | 600*320mm | 工件最大重量 | Max.weight of workpiece | 400kg | 500kg | 最大切削力 | Max.cutting force | 5500N | 7500N | 滑枕每分钟往复次数 | No.of strokes per minutem | 32,50,80,125,r ,p,m | | 滑枕垂直调整距离 | Vertical ajustment of ram | 230mm | 315mm | 滑枕倾斜角度 | Inclination of ram | 0-8度 | 0-8度 | 刀头支承面至床身前壁间距离 | Distance between tool holdingsurface and column front | 485mm | 600mm | 插刀杆最大尺寸(宽*高) | Max.tool shank size (W*H) | 25*40mm | 25*40mm | 工作台直径 | Table diameter | 500mm | 630mm | 工作台面至滑架下端间距离 | Distance between table surface and low end of ram | 320mm | 490mm | 工作台最大纵向移动距离 | Max.longitudinal travel of table | 500mm | 620mm | 工作台最大横向移动距离 | Max.cross travel of table | 500mm | 560mm | 工作台纵横机动进给范围 | Range of table longitudinal and cross power feeds | 0.08-1.12mm | 0.08-1.12mm | 工作台回转机动进给范围 | Range of table power feeds | 0.052o-0.783deg | 0.052°-0.7893deg | 主电动机功率 | Power of rapid drive motor | 3kw | 4kw | 主电动机转速 | Rotating speeed of main drive motor | 1430r.p.m | 960r.p.m | 机床轮廓尺寸(长*宽*高) | Overall dimensions (L*W*H) | 1945*1325*1980mm | 2290*1525*2285mm | 机床重量(约) | Weight(approx) | 2400kg | 3500kg |