"Mars" Overall made of Tyvek - with seams - class 3 protection (89/686/EEC), type 5 (against dust), type 6 (limited resistance against spills) - offers protection against chemical agents - with elastic bands at wrists, waist and ankles.
This overall is indispensable in activities such as production and manipulation of pharmaceutical products and vaccines, handling of known chemical substances, disposal of toxic waste, spraying and handling of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers. Also whenever there is a risk of spills and leaks of harmful substances or in preventing the contamination of pharmaceutical products by dusts, bacteria, spores, skin exfoliation particles and parasites which could be carried in the operator's hairs and clothes. "Mars" is worn in controlled contamination environments which require a level of particles corresponding to 10/100 class and in the production of food products and fodder. 由TYVEK制成,有缝合,3级保护(89/686/EEC)、5型抗灰尘、6型有限抗飞溅,拉链出设计为有覆盖层,提供抗化学试剂保护,在手腕、腰部和脚踝处都设计为有弹性带子扎紧,白色。 该防护服是在制药产品和疫苗产品的生产和操作场所活动,不可缺少的服装。操作一些已知的化学物质、有毒废物的处理、喷射和处理一些杀虫剂、除草剂和肥料等工作。也可以用在那些有害物质飞溅和渗漏危险的场所,也可用在预防制药产品受到灰尘、细菌、孢子、操作者的头发和衣服中有皮肤脱落物质和寄生虫的影响。该产品最理想穿着于控制污染环境要求水平为颗粒10/100级,和食品生产和饲料生产场所。 定货信息 |