提供希腊海运 希腊货代 比雷埃夫斯国际海运国际货代
中国— 澳洲、新西兰:悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、奥克兰、费里曼特尔等等。
中国— 中东印巴:迪拜、印度、巴基斯坦等等。
中国— 东南亚/北亚: 新加坡、越南、泰国、柬埔寨、韩国、日本、印尼、菲律宾等等。
中国— 欧洲/地中海:英国、比利时、瑞典、波兰、俄罗斯、奥地利、荷兰、法国、德国等等。
中国— 北美:美国、加拿大。
中国— 中南美:阿根廷、墨西哥、巴西、智利、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、秘鲁等等。
捷华航运(香港)有限公司Jaguar Freight Service (HK)Limited
24小时服务电话13662266273 Charlie Chan
Shenzhen QSD International Logistics Co.,Ltd
RmB06, 9/F, ShangShuiJing Commercial Building,Buji Town,Longgang Distirict,
Shenzhen,518112, China
Tel: (86)755-2854-6245
Fax: (86)755-8418-6795
Guangzhoushipping agents,20days toHonoluluInternational Chamber of Shipping
Service advantage:Europe, America,Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Central and South America,most of theroutescan acceptfreightpaid,import and exporthave advantages!Inparticular,DDU,DDPtermsofservice advantagesparticularlysignificant,mainly reflected in: 1.)Allport of destinationhasitsown agent,canfull control ofevery aspect ofthetransportprocess,greatly reducing theriskofthegoods.2)during transport,processingand communicationof information betweentheoffice of departureand port of destinationcoordinationconvergemorecloselyand fast,itcomestothe distribution of benefits, the two sideswill chooseabetterwayto solve the problem.3)L / Candto pay forgoodsthat can assistShipperbettercontrol of the goods,effectively avoid thedelivery of goods withouthappening.4)at the port of destinationit is safefor a single, customs clearance,door-to-door.And providestorage, processing,distribution and other logisticssupply chain management services,distributionconvenientinlandcontinents.
WithMAERSK, OOCL, APL, CHINA SHIPPING, CMAmany other shipping companiessignedalong-termfreightcontracts.Preferential tariffsand sufficientspacetobe able toprovide you withaccurate,fast, convenient andprofessionalinternational logistics services.
Czech Republic,ChinaShipping(Hong Kong)Co., Ltd.JaguarFreightService(HK)Limited
24-hour telephone13662266273 Charlie Chan
T :0755-82374237, 13662266273
Customer ServiceQQ: 1937696104
Email: jaguarfreight@,
Jaguar Freight Service (HK)Limited,Founded in 1993 in New York and London, our roots are in logistics. As we've grown with our customers, we've developed state-of-the-art technology expertise that transforms logistics and shipping services into world-class supply chain solutions.
Clear supply chain leadership, expertly coordinated around the globe, backed by an exceptional degree of customer care. That's what Jaguar delivers.