MBS product groups summarized Low voltage current transformers for industrial applications Class 1, 0.5, 0.2s ASR Tube current transformers, primary round conductor ASG Tube current transformers, hardened Tube current transformers for panel boards ASK Plug-in current transformers WSK Wound current transformers KBU Split core current transformers KSU / SUSK Summation current transformers NH Current transformers for fuse rails ASRD 14 / ASRD 210.3 Three-phase current transformer sets ASKD / WSKD Three-phase current transformer sets with or without base plate and neutral conductor SASR Protection tube current transformers, primary round conductor SASK Protection plug-in current transformers Low voltage current transformers for tariff applications, calibrated or suitable for calibration Class 0.5, 0.5s, 0.2, 0.2s EASR Tube current transformers, primary round conductor EASK Plug-in current transformers EWSK Wound current transformers ESUSK Summation current transformers EASK(D) Three-phase current transformer sets EASKD / EWSKD Three-phase current transformer sets with or without base plate and neutral conductor Accessories for low voltage current transformers
■ Snap-on mountings
■ Copper tubes