Main systems and technical features of the refuge room
系统构成Main systems | SN-KYD96型技术特点SN-KYD96Technical features |
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布置要求Layout requirements | 避难硐室应布置在稳定的岩层中,避开地质构造带、高温带、应力异常区以及透水危险区。前后20米范围内巷道应采用不燃性材料支护,且顶板完整、支护完好,符合安全出口的要求。 The rescue room should be laid out in the stable formation to escape the geological structure zones, high-temperature zones,stress abnormal areas and permeable risk areas. The laneway also should be supported by the incombustible materials with in 20 meters, with integrated roof, intact supporting. All meet the exit requirements. |
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标示要求 Sign requirements | 应有清晰、醒目、牢靠的标识。矿井避灾路线图中应明确标注紧急避险设施的位置、规格和种类,井巷中应有紧急避险设施方位的明显标识,以方便灾变时遇险人员迅速到达紧急避险设施。 The mine escape route map should be marked with the positions and specs of emergency facilities, also should with clear, eye-catching and reliable signs. |
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硐室门 Refuge chamber door | 结构 Structure | 向外开启的两道门结构 Two outward door structure. |
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第一道门 First door | 抵挡一定强度的冲击波,又能阻挡有毒有害气体的防护密闭门。 An airtight door to keep out the shock-wave and the poisonous, harmful gas. |
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第二道门 Second door | 能阻挡有毒有害气体的密闭门。 An airtight door to keep out the poisonous, harmful gas. |
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门墙 Door wall | 设单向排水管和单向排气管,排水管和排气管应加装手动阀门。 Equipped with one-way drainpipe and vent-pipe, also the drainpipe and vent-pipe should be installed extra hand valve. |
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配置 Collocation | 上设观察窗。With watch window upside. | 冲击力 Impact force | ≥0.3兆帕 ≥0.3MPa | 掏槽 Slotting | ≥0.2米 ≥0.2m |
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墙体 Wall | 墙体用强度不低于C30的混凝土浇筑,并与岩(煤)体接实,保证足够的气密性。 The wall is poured with concrete(the concrete strength is higher than C30) with enough air tightness. |
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支护材料 Supporting material | 采用锚喷、砌碹等方式支护,支护材料应阻燃、抗静电、耐高温、耐腐蚀,顶板和墙壁的颜色宜为浅色。硐室地面高于巷道底板不小于0.2米 The material of anchor-sprouting support should be flame retarded, anti-static,heat resistant and corrosion resistant, the roof and wall color is better to be light color. The height between the room and the floor should be higher than 0.2m. |
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地面高度 Floor height | 硐室地面高于巷道底板不小于0.2米。 The height between the room and the floor should be higher than 0.2m. |
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钻孔(不是必须) Drilling (optional)
| 直径 Diameter | ≥200毫米 ≥200mm |
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配置 Collocation | 通过钻孔设置水管和电缆时,水管应有减压装置; With water pipe and cable, the water pipe also should be equipped with decompressor. |
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压风机 Pressure fan
| 钻孔地表出口应有必要的保护装置并储备自带动力压风机,数量不少于2台。 Necessary proctor of the surface drilling and more than 2 units of pressure fans. |
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过渡室 Transition room | 配置 Collocation | 压缩空气幕和压气喷淋装置 Compressive air curtain and spaying device. | 面积 Area | ≥3.0米2 ≥3.0m2 |
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生存室 Survival room | 配置 Collocation | 不少于两趟单向排气管和一趟单向排水管,排水管和排气管应加装手动阀门 |
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高度 Height | ≥2.0米 ≥2.0m | 宽度 Width | ≥2.0米 ≥2.0m | 面积 Area | ≥1.0米2/人 ≥1.0m2/person | 人数 Number of person | 20~100人 20~100 persons |
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系统配置 System collocationb | 国家标准 National standard | 生存保障 Survivalguarantee | 国家标准 National standard |
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安全监测监控 Safety monitoring | 总体要求 Total requirements | 独立的内外环境参数检测或监测仪器 Independent enviromental parameter monitoring. | 供氧系统 Oxygen supplying system | 不低于0.5升/分钟·人 More than 0.5L/min·person |
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过渡室 Transition room | 可检测或监测氧气、一氧化碳。 To monitor the oxygen and carbon monoxide. | 气体净化 Gas purification | CO | 20分钟内将一氧化碳浓度由0.04%降到0.0024%以下 The carbon monoxide concentration shall be reduced from 0.04% to 0.0024% within 20 minutes. |
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生存室 Survival room | 可检测或监测氧气、甲烷、二氧化碳、一氧化碳、温度、湿度。 To monitor the oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, temperature and humidity. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
CO2 | 不低于0.5升/分钟·人 More than 0.5L/min·person |
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硐室外 Outside | 可检测或监测氧气、甲烷、二氧化碳、一氧化碳 To monitor the oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide. | 气体浓度 Gas concentration
| O2 | 18.5%~23.0% |
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CO2 | 1.0% |
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CH4 | 1.0% |
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CO | 0.0024% |
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人员定位 Position | 实时监测井下人员分布和进出紧急避险 | 温度 Temperature | ≤35摄氏度 ≤35℃ |
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设施的情况 To monitor the position of workers undermine and the emergency facilities timely. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
湿度 Moisture | ≤85% |
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正压 Positive pressure | ≥100帕的正压状态 ≥100Pa
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压风自救 Self-rescue | 功能 Function | 食品 Food ≥1.5升/天·人 ≥1.5L/day·person供给足量氧气 To provide enough oxygen. | |||||||||||||||||||||
食品 Food | ≥5000千焦/天·人 ≥5000KJ/day·person
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配置 Collocation | 矿井压风管路应设减压、消音、过滤装置和控制阀 The wind pressure pipes should be laid with decompressive, sound deadening,filtering devices and control valve. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
饮用水 Water | ≥1.5升/天·人 ≥1.5L/day·person |
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自救器 Self-rescuer
| 隔绝式,有效防护时间应不低于45分钟。 Isolated type and the effective protecting time shall be longer than 45 minutes.
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压力 Pressure | 供给足量氧气 To provide enough oxygen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
供风量 Air volume | ≥0.3米3/分钟·人 ≥0.3m3/min·person | ||||||||||||||||||||||
其他 Others
| 人体排泄物收集处理装置及急救箱、照明设施、工具箱、灭火器等辅助设施。 Human excreta disposal unit, first-aid kit,lighting facilities, toolboxes and fire extinguishers etc.
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| 连续噪声 continuous noise | ≤70分贝 ≤70db | |||||||||||||||||||||
供水施救 Water supplying | 功能 Function | 为避险人员供水, 为输送液态营养物质创造条件。 To supply water and liquid nutrient. | |||||||||||||||||||||
配置 collocation | 接入的矿井供水管路应有专用接口和供水阀门 The water supplying pipe should be equipped with special pipe joints and water supplying valves. |
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通信联络 Communication
| 避险设施内应设置直通矿调度室的电话 The escape facilities should include telephones to the control center. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
其他要求 Other requirements | 各种管线在接入硐室前应采取保护措施 All pipelines in the room should be protective. With radiophone and emergency communications facilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
备注 Remarks | 硐室面积和物资储备要求备用系数≥1.2。 The room area andmaterial reserve factor≥1.2. |
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特殊设计 Special design | 空气循环系统:实现内部空气循环系统:含手/电动风机,内部空气循环管路等。可达到每小时3次的换气量。 Air circulation system: include manual/electric air blower, inner air circulation pipes for 3 air changes per hour. |
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硐室将心理学、人工学技术应用于硐室的环境设计,在恶劣的外部环境中,使避险人员保持心理上的安宁和生理上的舒适。 Psychology and ergonomics technology is applied inthe environmental design. |
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硐室内应急情况下使用的制冷、除湿、空气净化、污物处理等装置,均采用国内顶级的军用人防工程与环境工程技术理念及其设备,具有极高的安全性。 Refrigeration,dehumidification,air purification and trash disposal devices, all adopt the advanced military air defence and environmental engineering technology with very high security. |
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硐室配置的监测/监控/安保,可以集成化的、全面的监测硐室内生存环境,必要的时候可以远程控制。安保系统可以在平时对硐室维护实施监督作用。 Monitoring and security guarding system inside, if necessary it can be remote controlled. |