The existing production capacity of epoxy resin is 30kt/a..
As a standard resin in China, E type epoxy resin is condensed by BPA and ECH. The molecular weight of produced epoxy resin varis with different conditions of production. Customers can choose different brands of products according to their application.
Epoxy resin is chemically stable, very viscous and good at electric performance, used as the material for coatings , adhesives, lamination of electronic elements. It is popular with the fields of chemical anti-corrosion, electronics and applicants, civil engineering and machine manufacturing.
牌 号 Brand CYD-128 CYD-127 E-44 E-42
环氧当量 (g/eg)
Epoxy equivalent 184-194 180-190 210-240 230-280
可水解氯 wt%≤
Inorganic chlorine 0.10 0.1 0.30 0.30
无机氯 %
Inorganic chlorine — — 0.018 0.010
软化点 ℃
Softening point — — 12-20 21-27
粘度 mPa.s(25℃)
Viscosity 11000-14000 8000-11000 — —
挥发份 ≤%
Volatile 0.20 0.2 0.60 0.60
色度#号 ≤
Color 0.5 0.5 2 2
Main usage 基础树脂多种用途
Basic resin with
Many usages 电气H级绝缘漆
Electric H grade
Insulation panint,
laminales 粘合 浇铸 密封 浸渍 层压
Adhesive, casting sealing,
Dipping, larnination
牌 号 Brand CYD-011 CYD-012 CYD-014U CYD-017 CYD-019
环氧当量 (g/eg)
Epoxy equivalent 450-500 600-700 710-815 1750-2100 2400-3300
可水解氯 wt%≤
Inorganic chlorine 0.10 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.10
软化点 ℃
Softening point 60-70 75-85 88-96 117-127 130-145
溶解粘度 (25℃)
Solution viscosity D-F G-K L-0 Y-Z1 Z3-Z5
挥发份 ≤%
Volatile 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
色度#号 ≤
Color 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Main usage 涂料、油漆等
Coating, paint 涂料、油漆等
Coating, paint 粉末涂料、油漆等
Powder, coating
paint 热固化涂料、罐头防腐涂料等
Thermoset coating, antiseptic
Coating for cans
Remark 中分子量
Mediate molecular weight 高分子量
High malecular weight