不锈钢板LED UV导带打印机,
1. 解决了机器打印卷平材料一体的难题,主要应用于广告,影楼,装饰等行业。
2. 更新了传统压轴,取而代之的是吸风平板,打印过程中吸附着材料,避免起皱和压痕。
3. 应用了先进的导带平台,避免了因所有拉力局限于收放器引起的拉伸,画面质量更好。
4. 以直接打印所有的平板材料和卷材。
5. 全自动升降墨栈。
6. 墨路的三通实现了清洗液,白墨,彩墨之间的自由转换。
7. 标准的刻度尺有助于您更好的定位。
8. 应用了白墨自动循环及搅拌系统。
Product Feature
1.It can print both rigid and roll material and is mainly used in advertising, photographic studio and decoration etc.
2.Updated the traditional magnetic clip media, instead, the suction plate, printing in the process of adsorption material, to avoid wrinkling and indentation.
3.Applied the advanced platform for the conveyor band, avoid the tensile strength for all confined to put receiver caused by stretching, picture quality is better.
4.It can print directly on all kinds of rigid and roll media.
5.Automatic capping station.
6.The three direct links of ink road realize cleaning solution,white ink,color ink free transform.
7.Standard of piding ruler will help you better positioning.
8.White ink circulation and agitation system.
产品型号 Product model | UV Multi-Functional photo printer |
喷头 print head | 爱普生五代头 Epson DX5 |
打印速度及精度 Speed Resolution | 360*720dpi 4pass 15/30m²/h 360*1080dpi 6pass 9/18m²/h 720*720dpi 8pass 7/14m/h |
颜色 Color | 红黄蓝黑白 M Y C K W |
墨水 ink | Eco-solvent,LED-UV |
打印宽幅 print width | 1.8m |
打印高度 Print height | 5cm |
打印软件 Printing software | 锐彩 Ultraprint |
运行环境 Operation Environment220v 2000w | 220v 2000w |
机器尺寸 Machine Dimension | 3.25m*0.8m*1.22m |
机器净重 Net weight | 360KG |
机器毛重 Gross weight | 420KG |
数据传送 Interface | USB2.0 |

| 因为优诺思UV平板导带机 能够进行高分辨率打印,所以可以用它制作促销宣传品、数码画廊,或是在画布上打印精美的油画 | | 因为 优诺思UV平板导带机 输出制作的画面具有环保特性,所以能够广泛用于户内制作,例如在玻璃、铝塑板、木板、扣板、吊顶、有机板、陶瓷、波纹板、泡沫板、金属板、塑料、织物、墙纸、砖、石等介质上打印精美的画面 | | 户内、户外应用自如,标牌制作随心所欲 |