规 格 书 |
MODEL | 型号:DC-DGKM1995-2.0 |
1.RATING | 额定值:DC 250V 3A |
2.CONSTRUCTION DIMENSION结构尺寸: | Apply to the appended drawing:符合附加图纸 |
3.APPEARANCE外观: | Have no remarkable damage,arack and rust etc:无明显损伤,裂纹,锈迹等. |
4A | CONTACT RESISTANCE | Being measured 1KHZsmall current comtact | 50mΩmax. |
接触阻抗 | resistance meter.在1KHZ小电流下测量. | 50毫欧以下. |
4B | INSULATION | Measurements shall be mabe following application | 100MΩ min. |
RESISTANCE | of DC 500V potetial across terminals and across | 100兆欧以上. |
绝缘阻抗 | terminals and frame for 1 minute .在端子之间和端 | |
| 子与壳之间加DC 500V条件下,持续1分钟测量. | |
4C | WITHSTAND | AC 500V (50Hz or 60Hz) shall be applied across | There shall be no breakdown. |
VOLTAGE | terminals and across terminals and frame for one | 无击穿现象出现. |
耐电压 | minute在端子之间和端子与壳之间加A C | |
| 500V (50HZ或60HZ)条件下,持续1分钟测量. | |
5A | INSULATION AND | Being measure at across spring piece and across | Insertion and extraction |
WITHDRAW | matching plug for ergomter | force 3-20N |
FORCE插拔力 | 用测力半在插头与弹片之间进行测量。 | 插拔力 3-20N |
5B | TERMINAL STRENGTH | A static force of 500gf being applied in one | There shall be no sugn of damage |
端子强度 | direction on the tip lf terminal for 1 minute.一个 | mechanically and electically.无 |
| 克之静负荷施加於端子顶部的一个方向持续 | 任何迹象显示机械及电气性 |
| 1分钟。 | 能之损坏。 |
6A | SOLDERING | The tip of the terminals shall dipped 2mm in the | A new uniform coating of solder shall |
TEST. | solde bath at a temperature 230±5℃for 3± | cover a minimum of 75 of the surface |
可焊性试验 | 0.5sec.端子顶部被浸入焊锡池2mm深,温度230± | being immersed.浸入的部分75%以上 |
| 5℃时间3±0.5秒. | 表面将被锡覆盖. |
6B | LIFE TEST. | 10,000 cycles of operation at a rate of 20-30 | (1).Contact resistance.40mΩ max |
寿命试验 | cycles per minute with unloading. | 接触阻抗40毫欧以下. |
| 无负载条件下,每分钟20-30次的速度操作 | (2).Insertion and withdraw force 30 |
| 10,000次 | initial value插拔力变化范围初始值30% |
| | (3).ITEM专案-4B,-4C,-5B |
6C | HEAT TEST。 | 85±2℃for hours after test keep in normal condition | (1).Contact resistance.50mΩmax接触 |
耐热试验 | for 30 minutes .在85±2℃环境中放48小时, | 电阻50毫欧以下 |
| 再放在正常环境中30分钟后进行测试。 | (2).Insertion resistance 50mΩmin |
6D | HUMIDITY TEST。 | The condition of temperature 40±2℃and humidty | 绝缘电阻兆欧以上 |
耐湿试验 | 90-95%for 48 hrs.after test keep in normal | (3).There shall be no sign of damage |
| condition for 30min.在温度40±2℃,湿度 | mechanically and electically.无任何迹 |
| 90-95%环境中放48小时,再放在正常中 | 象显示机械及电气性表面将 |
| 30分钟后进行测试。 | 之损坏. |
6E | COLD TEST。 | At-30±2℃for 48 hrs.after test keep in normal | |
耐冷试验 | condition for 30 min.在-30±2℃环境中放48小时, | |
| 再放置于正常环境中30分钟后进行测试。 | |