上海众锦机电设备有限公司:是一家专业经营,三菱、奥的斯、日立、LG星码、东芝、迅达、蒂森、富士达、永大日立,蓝光,通力等国内外知名品牌直梯/扶梯/自动人行道等整梯原厂配件,目前拥有各种电梯电子板/光幕系列/按钮系列/对讲机系列/电梯IC卡 /工控PLC系列/进口国产TT调试器系列/各种光电开关,编码器系列/进口,国产钢丝绳 /补偿链系列/门锁系列/电源锁系列/开关按钮系列/导靴靴衬系列/门滑块系列/门刀系列/操纵厢系列/轮子系列/油杯系列等各种易损件配件。我们将在此的基础上不段完善配件的种类来满足市场的需求。 “众锦机电” 将秉承“客户第一,顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“信誉第一”的原则,诚交广大各国电梯界同行,共同发展,欢迎来电我司,洽谈选购,我们将为您提供最满意的服务,最优质的产品,最合理的价格。QQ 497219644,353312687 Shanghai Zhongjin Mechanical & Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. is specialized at original equipment combinations or accessories of vertical ladder, staircase, moving sidewalk and etc. of well-known brands at domestic and overseas, such as Mitsubishi, Otis, Hitachi, LG Sigma, Toshiba, Schindler, Tthyssenkrupp, Fujitec, Blu-ray, KONE and etc.. ”Zhongjin Mechanical & Electronic “offers you various quick-wear accessories of Elevator Electron Plate, Optical Screen Series, Push Button Series, Interphone Series, Elevator IC Card, Industry Control PLC Series, Imported and Homemade TT Debugger Series, Various Opto-Electrical Power Switches, Encoder Series, Imported and Homemade Wire Cable, Compensating Chain Series, Gate Lock Series, Power Lock Series, Shift Knob Series, Guide Shoe Boot Lining Series, Door Slider Series, Gate Knife Series, Control Box Series, Wheel Series, Grease Cup Series and etc.. We will keep perfecting ourselves to satisfy your requirements. Contact: cxrubberm@126.com