神奇鼠标垫彩进口无毒食品级高分子硅胶,负离子,钛原理合成生产。经国家SGS六大重含量检测,达到欧洲RoHS检测标准,对使用者身体无害,符合国家环保标准,神奇鼠标垫还考虑到人体工程学。可以减少使用时手腕疲劳防辐射,缓解疼痛,增加血液循环等功能,无论工作或是游戏 多久都不会有倦意,保持愉快的工作游戏心情有, 它表面经特殊纹理处理,手感爽滑,鼠标在产品上任意滑动对光电鼠标极其灵敏,移动顺畅,材料柔软对台面有较强的吸咐力,不易移位,硅胶鼠标垫可以用水反复清洗,不掉色,不易破裂,可任意卷曲,不变形,携带方便,独立的包装,可以定做任意颜色,图案,产品规格多样化,在作礼品赠送方面也有强大优势,设计独特,LOGO图案多样化,提供使用人群选择不同用处的规格 ,多样的花案也可供各其喜爱所参选 ,其使用寿命是很长的,此产品的独立包装也是很有市场吸引力的,更适用于各类促销活动及作为礼品赠送,很适合广大用户使用,为广大消费者带来方便及节约,适用各类办公,游戏,礼品赠送,另外我司可免费根据客人需求订制各种规格及多样化LOGO图案,也可以选择夜光效果的,美观又新颖,防止在黑暗里工作起来更加方便 ,深得使用人群的喜爱 ,欢迎各新老顾客来电咨询索样!
The mysterious mouse pad uses the import non-toxic food grade silicone material .Anoin ,titanium principle synthesis production .After the national suggest six heavy metal content examinations.achieves the uropean RoHs examination standard.Confirms to the national environmental protection standard,the mysterious mouse pad also considering the human body engineering .which function may reduce wrist wearily .Protect radiation and increase blood circulation with using it ,
The mouse pad surface after the special texture processing and surface is smooth which is extremely sensitive to the optical mouse and moving smoothly.
The soft material has the strong adsorptive to the optical muose and moving smoothly.
The soft material has the strong adsorptive attraction to the table facet and not easy to move.the silicone mouse pad may clean time and again with non-fading .Random curl with non-deformation.Carryhome .can be customized any designs and colors.
Obiviously .It is using-life is very strong and suitable for community use

Relying on the powerful strength and first-class customer service, complete detection of all products, quality guarantee. We can according to the customer to map, sample processing and design, development and production of various types of silicone rubber products.
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Welcome to QQ Consulting: 1979039806 15014795582 Ms.Luo