| | 产品说明: | 创新生产的高速公路用拉挤玻璃钢防眩板的特点: The characteristics of anti-dazzle board produced by INNOVATION are: 结构合理Optimized Design: 防眩板截面为反S形,有效地增加了遮光角和刚性。 Anti-dazzle board has“S”shape to enhance performance and to be more rigid. 高强轻质High strength and light weight: 该产品强度是塑料制品的十倍,比重只有钢材的四分之一,可以抵御各种恶劣天气的影响,受冲击破坏后不会脆断,运输和施工安装都非常方便。 It is ten times stronger than PVC materials but weighs only one fourth of steel. It is resistant to all kind of extreme weather, in addition to high impact strength, To transport and install is easier than others.
壁厚可调,色彩可调,长度可调 The thickness,the colour and the length according to the client’s requirements applied in particular fields. 泉州创新玻璃纤维复合材料有限公司 Contact:李小姐 Tel: 0595-39018056 Fax:0595-86787189 Mobile:139 6041 1251 QQ:448162189 E-mail: chuangxin@qzchuangxin.cn Web: http://www.qzchuangxin.cn Add:福建省泉州市丰州镇燕山路22号(镇政府对面) |
本公司的拉挤玻璃钢型材包括:圆管,圆棒,角钢,工字钢,槽钢,方管,矩形管,心形管,扁条,天线罩,格栅,电缆桥架,门窗,体育运动用品等标准型材以及客户定制的异形型材。玻璃钢型材由于其突出的轻质高强、防腐绝缘等优点,广泛应用于化工防腐、污水处理、电工绝缘、能源开采、交通运输、电子通讯等领域。 Our company produced the pultruded FRP profiles include:Round Tube, Rod, Angle, I-Beam,Channel,SquareTube,RectangularTube,HeartTube,FlatBar,AntennaCover,Grating,Bridge Cable,Windows &Doors,Sport Products and other customized profile shapes that depend on clients’ requirements. FRP profiles have the performance of light weight,high strength,anti-corrosion and insulation.They are extensively applied in the fields of chemical anti-corrosion,waste water treatment, electric insulation power development transportation and telecommunications. |