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圆形涂层石墨模具,用于铜、铝、金、银、不锈钢、碳钢的水平连续铸造。 Round coating graphite moule (for horizontal continuous casting of copper,aluminum,gold,silver,stainless steel and carbonated steel). | 多孔圆形、异形涂层石墨模具,用于中、小型的型材水平连续铸造,可有效提高工效。 Porous coating graphite mould of round and special profile (for horizontal continuous casting of medium-size and small profiled materials,incrdase work efficiency). |
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异形涂层石墨模具,多用灯饰、造锁、阀门等制造业中的各种异形材的水平连续铸造。 Coating graphite mould of special profile(for horizontal continuous casting of light of light decoration,lockmaking,valvemaking etc). | 圆形和异形管材涂层石墨模具,用于各种形状的空心管材的水平连续铸造。 Codating graphite mould of round and special profile (for horizontal continuous casting of pipe of various forms). |
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无氧石墨模具,用于紫铜管、紫铜杆、不锈钢等上引法连续铸造。 及与其配套的石墨保护套和硅酸铝保温套。 Anoxidation graphite mould(for up-drawing continuous casting of copper pipe and pole,stainless steel etc). |
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铜排模、铜板模、压延铜板的坏料模、金条、金板模 Copper brand mould, copper brand mould, blank mould useto calender copper panel golden lath, golden panel mould |
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铜材半连铸用流槽、塞棒、底座、浇咀。 Graphile chutes,pluys,runnres,bases for copper by horizontal continuous casting system. | 铝材连铸用石墨套、导流板、石墨滑条 Graphite sleeves,persion plates for continuous casting aluminum. |
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铜材水平连铸示意图 Sketch map of copper horizontal continuous casting | 铜材上引法无氧连铸示意图 Sketch map of copper up-drawing anoxidation continous casting. |