北京益都智能射频卡水表使用说明 用户使用本表进应到管理部门营业处去开户、建档。购买相应的用户卡。用户卡在初次使用时必须在指定的表上使用,否则可能造成不必要的损失 将射频卡靠近水表塑料壳体的读卡标志区,液晶显示“rdic”表示检测到射频卡,如显示“END”表示卡操作正常,如显示“Err XXX”表示可能有问题。请重新放一下卡的位置,再试一下,如还有问题请与管理部门联系。 当水表剩余量小于设定的报道值时(本表出厂时设定报警值2.0m),阀门关闭告警。同时显示请充值标志,用户发现关阀后可插用户卡将阀门开启。IC卡水表以此提醒用户及时充值:当剩余量递减至零时,阀门自动关闭。用户需重新购买充值后才能打开阀门。 当射频卡表出现说明2中的故障时阀门也将关闭,当故障排除后阀门才可打开。 如果用户将卡丢失。须到管理终端处办理相应的补卡手续。本系统补卡后,如果原用户卡找到仍可用。 | Insteuctions Users should be used to form into business management department to open an account。keep the water。buy the corresponding configuring。At first when using configuring the table must be specified in use otherwise may cause needn\'t To losses。 Rt CARDS close to read the card of plastic shell water meter liquid crystal display symbol rdIC said detected rf card such as “END”card such as operating normally"Err XXX" said may have problems.Please put your card.try again if there is a problem with the management department please contact When water is less than the amount remaining set values(the alarm set alarm value when valve when valve closed m3)2.0.please.warning marks users find pre-paid close valves can be inserted after configuring will open vavles can be inserted after configuring will open valve.IC card to remind users timely water.cost When the remaining amount decrease to zero the valve shut automatically users need to purchase cost to open the valve. When the rf card table shows the fauit when valve 2 will be closed until after the troubleshooting when the valve opens If the user will card is lost to handle the relevant management terminal in cardtormalities.This system if the orginal card after configuring find can still use. |
射频卡水表主要技术参数Rf CARDS meter main technical parameters 1、北京益都智能射频卡水表精度等级为2级。采用标准:CJ/T133-2007 IC卡冷水水表。 2、北京益都智能射频卡水表最大允许误差: 在从包括最小流量(Q1)在内到不包括分界流量(Q2)的低区中的最大允许误差为±5%。 在从包括分界流量(Q2)在内到包括过载流量(Q4)的高区中的最大允许误差为±2%。 3、北京益都智能射频卡水表工作压力不大于1.0MPa。 4、北京益都智能射频卡水表供电电压3.6锂电池,寿命不小于6年。 5、北京益都智能射频卡水表流量参数。 | Rf CARDS meter main technical parameters 1、Precision grades for class B.using standard:CJ/T133-2007ICwater meter. 2、The maximum alowable error. In Q1(including minimum flow.to do not include sepsnstion flow (fow)the series of ±5% for the maximun allowable error From the pision series(ineluding flow.to include overload flow)(Q4)in the area of the maximun allowable errorhing high ±2%. 3、working presssure is not more than 10 4、Power supply wotage 3.6V lithium batery.life is not less than 6 years. 5、Flow parameters. |
北京益都智能射频卡水表液晶显示说明 1、显示内容 说明1:剩余量可以显示负数 说明2:故障信息的内容 故障内容 电池欠压 流量传感器故障 阀门的当前状态 请充值状 显示内容 | content Expianation the remaining amount can show 1 negatiwe Expianation the tault intonmation content Fauit content Battery voltage Flow sensor fauit The current state of the valve please top-up shape |