◇ 健康环保 电离子辐射改变基料结构,形成网状独立闭孔结构,无添加剂、无升温、无化学残留、可回收炼油。
◇ 防潮抗菌 独立闭孔结构,紧密有效的阻止水分子渗透,使吸水率低于0.01g/cm2 (几乎为零),同时,因电子束的照射改性,表面抗菌处理,让细菌无生存环境。
◇ 防腐耐老 因基料聚乙烯本身紧密性强,在辐照交联处理后,产品具备了较强的耐腐蚀性,耐各种化学制剂腐蚀。
◇ 便于加工 外观光滑、手感舒适,泡孔细密均匀、强韧有绕性,便于二次加工(易复合、粘贴、切割、冲切、热压、热吸成型等)。
We supply XPE/IXPE , it is a polyethylene foam board cross linked by chemically or electric method
Heat preservation
Low water absorption rate
Corrosion resistance
Weather ability
Sound insulation
Chemicals resistance
Thickness 0.8~15mm(max 50mm) width <2000mm any size and color will be customized
1. It has no nocuous substance and ord with the standards of ISO14000. It also does not generate any pollutant bringing harm to peoples health when being installed and in use.
2. It is a high quality material for warm-keeping and energy-saving, which is the killer of
dew forming and the transmission of cold and heat . It insulates any heat media with a
stable and low thermal conductivity.
3. Its light in weight. It could absorb sound, reduce noise, and provide cushioning function.
4. Its water and leak proof, anti-flaming, easy to be processed and installed.
5. Its durable in use and endurable to heat , cold and chemical reaction