■ 使用电压:请使用交流电源220V(110VAC)、单相、50Hz(60 Hz)。电压若低于(100VAC),或高于240V(120VAC)为不正常使用,易使泵损毁。
Normal Rated Voltage should be 220VAC(110VAC)~240(120VAC).Otherwise pump won’t be obtained in a good working condition.
■ 使用环境温度:0℃~38℃,并保持通风良好、顺畅以防温度过高。
Working environmental temperature should be within 0℃~38℃ ,with the ventilation working place to prevent temperature of pump from rising too high.
Before use it,make sure the earth line is well equipped.Do not touch the power with wet hands.
If pump is installed outside the room,please keep the pump from rain and sunshine and the inside and outside of the pump should maintain dry always.
■ 泵严禁注油、注水、敲击、碰摔。
Pump couldn’t bear oil.water and colision.
■ 管路进出口总面积大于空气泵进出口总截面积的85%。管路弯道尽量避免成直角,以免压力损失过大。
The general acreage of the tube should not be less than 85% of acreage of pump outlet.Try to equip the tube with smoothing curved angle.
■ 风量减少,请检查:
1) 电压是否正常。
2) 空气滤清器、管路、接头是否破损、泄气、堵塞。
3) 泵体阀门、振动膜是否 破损、堵塞。