型号 model :JR-19
规格 specifications :
Product description and features:
1、 工作台可分“一”形,“L”形,转角形,固定形,任意移动形等款式,各柜组可以任意组合搭配,台面可以定制尺寸,确保其实用美观的统一性。
1、Workbench but points "一" type, "L" type, corner form, fixed form, any mobile shape and style, the cabinet can be arbitrary combination collocation, mesa can be customized size, ensure that actually with the unity of the beautiful.
2、 工作台台面采用高密度加厚人造大理石制造,具有耐磨、耐腐、耐酸碱、易清洁,光亮平整,质感柔和,不渗透、无污染、有效防止细菌滋生,巴氏硬度测试值>50。
2, the stage of the mesa high-density thickening, artificial marble manufacture, has wear-resisting, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistant, easy to clean, shining level off, the texture soft, no penetration, no pollution, effectively prevent bacteria growth, the pap hardness testing value > 50.
3、 柜体采用人造合成板,表面经烤漆处理,平整坚固,不变形不晃动,台面可承载200公斤以上的物体压力。
3, cabinet put oneself in another's position with synthetic board, the surface of the paint processing, level off is strong, deformation not rock, mesa can carry up to 200 kg objects pressure.
4、 面板采用实体人造板,表面经钢琴烤漆处理,硬度值大于2H,表面色彩有数十种可选,面板可根据客户需要加工成各种弧形、曲面等。
4、The door plank entity man-made board, surface of piano lacquer coating, hardness value greater than 2 H, the surface of colour has dozens of optional, panel may according to the customer need processed into all kinds of arc, curved surface, etc.
5、 配置高档不锈钢冷暖可调水龙头,水控开关可通过红外感应龙头控制,有效避免治疗过程中交叉感染。
5, configuration high-grade stainless steel adjustable bibcock of cold, control switch can through inductive leading control, effectively avoid the healing process cross infection.
6、 抽屉可选配三折不锈钢珠滑轨,回弹式阻尼金属抽,抽屉内置口腔专用各式材料盘、工具盘,满足牙科专用器具科学有序的放置要求。
6、The drawer can choose equipped with all kinds of orbit, the drawer device of all kinds of materials for oral doctor tray, tools pallets, meet special instruments of scientific and dental placed requirements.
7、 可提供多种款式的把手及颜色作为用户的个性选择。
7, can provide different kinds of door handle and various kinds of color as a user's character.
8、 垃圾桶有斜开隐藏式和旋转隐藏式可选。
8, trash can open a hidden and rotation has inclined a hidden, and infrared inductive to choose from.
9、 活动柜尼龙脚轮具有强度高,不伤地面等优点,脚轮锁可随时用脚控锁定。
9, activity ark nylon caster wheel has high strength, do not hurt the advantages of the ground, caster wheel lock may at any time by foot control lock.
SUZHOU INDUSTRIAL PARK SUNNY FURNITURE CO.,LTD. is a professional company engaged in medical furniture manufacturing, oral medical spare parts supply, the company has more than 10 years of medical furniture industry production experience. With the domestic and oversea medical equipment factory, trade company, pharmaceutical company established and maintain a long-term and stable relationship of cooperation relations of cooperation.
SUNNY campany Medical furniture products sold to all over the world. Products kept consistent quality, and flexible changeful modelling, so vast physician's favorite. Organizations have years of auxiliary medical supplies, clinic edge ark industry experience. Buyers can pursues to have, we can provide according to the buyer of the consulting room flat image size figure design the most suitable for your plan!!
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