供应标牌 科牌 导光灯箱 山东 专业生产厂家 价格优惠

公共场所:现实生活中我们时常会遇到在医院、商场、公园等公共场所内,找不到目的地急得人团团乱转的情况时常发生。主要原因就是缺乏必要的导航标识,已有标识又不清晰,明了、缺乏整体规划性,英汉翻译错误是造成这一情况的为主。对于任何社交场所而言,标识系统是其形象和身份识别的重要组成部分之一,是设计人性化不可忽略的一部分。它的科学使用,能够营造良好的空间秩序,提高场地的空间使用效率,是现代工程建设中必不可少的组成部分。 现代工程标识设计应注意以下几个问题:第一:要保证标识设计与工程设计、环境设计同步,并确保三者风格一致。第二:要保证建筑环境的完整性,以环境为主,标识设计为辅。第三:要将标识设计融入建筑环境中,注意与其他环境元素的结合、互衬,避免过度张扬产生唐突生硬的感觉。
In real life we often encounter in the hospitals, shopping malls, parks and other public places, can not find the destination anxious to hang around people frequent. The main reason is lack of the necessary navigation identify the existing logo is not clear, clear, to the lack of overall planning, English-Chinese translation error is the main cause of this situation. Identification system is its image and identity of an important part of any social networking sites, is part of the design of human nature can not be ignored. Its scientific use, and be able to create a favorable order in space, venue space use efficiency, is an integral part of modern construction projects. Modern engineering logo design should pay attention to the following questions: First: To ensure that the logo design and engineering design, environmental design, synchronization, and to ensure that all three the same style. Second: To ensure the integrity of the built environment to environment-oriented logo design, supplemented by Third: To identify the design into the built environment, attention and other environmental elements combined with each other linings, avoid excessive publicity generated abrupt blunt the feeling. |