泉州意大利木纹价格 意大利木纹厂家直销 意大利木纹新报价汉荣石材有限公司
意大利木纹系列源自意大利皇家矿山维罗纳Verona天然名贵大理石为创作原型,米黄、灰底,纹路均匀,材质光泽优雅,古典,石质颗粒细腻均匀,木纹状纹理中小颗粒、颗粒结晶,有黄、灰、白等色,纹理细腻淳朴,质感高雅润泽,木纹纹理韵致生动逼真,融自然原色和奢华为一体,是装饰豪华建筑的理想材料。SERPECGGIANTE series of tiles are modeled upon Verona, a precious natural Marble from the Italian royal mine, highly featuring the beige color and grey base with the even texture, so glossily classic and elegant, and the Rock particles are delicately and evenly distributed on the surface of the tile. The large and small crystallized particulars are delicately mined with the grainy texture in different colors, respectively yellow, grey and white, etc. The texture is simplistic and artistically structured with the elegance and luster coupled with the authentic and lively grainy texture, highly integrating the natural colors with the luxury as the ideal materials to artistically decorate the luxury buildings.