ROHS和Reach认证充电器 电源
◆足功率输出,做工精细,材质上乘。◆Foot powerinput, fine workmanship, quality materials.
◆低价格,高可靠性◆Low price and high reliability
◆105℃输出电容器◆105℃Output capacitor
◆全球适用AC输入电源◆AC input power suitable for the world
◆效率高,工作温度低◆High efficiency and low operation temperature
◆软启动电流、有效降低AC输入冲击◆Soft-start current can reduce the AC input impact effecticly
◆有短路保护、过载保护、过流保护◆With short-circuit and overload andOver-current protection
◆体积小、重量轻◆Compact size,light weight
◆100%满负荷烧机测试◆100% full-load bum-in test
◆内装EMI滤波器、纹波极小◆Installed wity EMI filter,minimum wave
◆产品符合:UL,CE,FCC,CCC,PSE,GS等国安规.◆In line with the product: UL, CE, FCC, CCC
联系方式:13544034941 QQ:766358420 皮小姐