维乐抗磨耐磨产品具有粘附力强、强度高抗震裂耐磨性能优良防化学腐蚀、可承受周期性冷热变化、其施工安装快捷维护容易成本低廉等特点。充分满足了各个行业客户的需求。13916681119 岳先生
Description: Valor耐磨陶瓷涂料系列产品。本产品广泛用于水泥行业的立磨、选粉机、粉尘管道、热风管道、及下料溜槽,火电行业煤粉输送系统、一次二次风管、高温风机及旋风筒,电解铝厂铝粉输送管道,钢铁行业铁粉输送管道、烟道、收尘器管道及石油化工行业、国防工程、核电工程、等各种设备的关键耐磨防腐处理层,根据用户的使用要求,有多个系列不同品种可供选择,valor产品具有粘附力强、强度高、抗震裂、耐磨性能优良、防化学腐蚀、可承受周期性冷热变化、其施工安装快捷、维护容易、成本低廉等特点。充分满足了各个行业客户的需求。
Valor ceramic tile is made of metal
and ceramic. It is much suitable for emergy repair due to limited shutdown time.
Because It is installed by welding on the worn part, it is very fast and easy
installation. The function and effect is the same as wear resistance ceramic.
After nine years of service the ceramic tile is still in good condition.