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Shenzhen Tianshanhong Industrial Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive corporation integrating with agriculture investment, plantation, production, processing and marketing of red dates. The production base is located in Aksu City (core fruit optimized planting area of the world). The city is at south foot of Tianshan Mountain, by edge of Takia Makan Desert, upstream of Tarim River. This region is with less rainfall but a large evaporation capacity, and thus features dry climate, large temperature difference, nourished and watered by snow water from Tianshan Mountain all the year round. The advantaged resources including water, soil, sunlight and heat contribute to the unparallel and quality red dates. The most important characteristics of the red dates are large in size, plump and sweet. The fresh red dates taste crispy, sweet, fragrant, fresh and cool, and refreshing; the dried red dates are bright red in color, high in sugar content, thin in pericarp and thick in sarcocarp, and fine in sarcocarp. Each piece of red dates is the natural fruit from Tianshan desert, and the product is highly appreciated by customers due to the high quality.