YBF 橡套扁平电缆 YGFB硅橡胶扁平电缆
扁型橡套电缆是按Q1320282、AQ001-91标准组织生产,适用于交流额定电压UO/U为450V/750V及以下的移动式电气设备中。扁型结构特别适用于频繁弯曲的场合,不易扭结,如起重机等。 (1)UO——任一主绝缘导体与“地”之间电压有效值。 U ——任两相导体之间电压有效值。 (2)交流系统中,工作电压不大于额定电压1.1倍,直流系统中,工作电压不大于额定电压1.5倍。 (3)交货长度100M,允许不小于20M短电缆交货,其短段数量不超过总量的10%。
YBF flat form cabtyre cable YGFB flat form silicon rubber cable Flat from cabtyre cable is produced according to standard Q1320282, AQ001-91, is suitable for movable electrical eguipment with Acrated voltage UO/U not more than 450V/750V. Flat form is specially suitable for frequently bended conjuncture, not easy to twist together, such as hoister and so on. (1)UO——voltage virtual value between any main insulating conductor and "ground". U ——voltage virtual value between and two conductors. (2) In AC system, working voltage not more than 1.1 times of rated voltage. In DC system, working voltage not more than 1.5 times of rated voltage. (3) Delivery length 100M, not less than 20M short cable delivery is permitted. It short section amount is not more than 10% of total.