产品名称:硫酸铵 | 用途级别:工业级 | 原产地/生产商:湖南山西 |
含量:21% | 粒度:100(目) | 执行质量标准:国标 |
品牌:鹰王 | | |
分子式: (NH4)2SO4
分子式: (NH4)2SO4
The English version
Product name: ammonium sulphate
Use level: industrial grade
Country of origin/manufacturer: Shanxi Province of hunan
Content: 21%
Size: 100 (mesh)
Implement quality standards: gb
Brand: the hawk king
Molecular formula: (NH4) 2 so4
CAS no. :
Properties: also known as ammonium sulphate. Refinement is colorless rhombic crystals, soluble in water. Density of 1.769 g/cm3. When heated lose ammonia decomposition, acid salt. 513 ℃ when completely decomposed into ammonia and sulfuric acid. Industrial products is white or yellowish gray particles. Soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, acetone and ammonia. Easy deliquescence
Main application: used for ore washing, industrial applications. Textile industry
Molecular formula: (NH4) 2 so4
CAS no. :
Properties: also known as ammonium sulphate. Refinement is colorless rhombic crystals, soluble in water. Density of 1.769 g/cm3. When heated lose ammonia decomposition, acid salt. 513 ℃ when completely decomposed into ammonia and sulfuric acid. Industrial products is white or yellowish gray particles. Soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, acetone and ammonia. Easy deliquescence