上海富大普通织物芯输送带 General Fabric Core Conveyor Belt 结构 普通织物芯输送带简称普通输送带。是由挂胶棉帆布或棉涤交织帆布组成抗拉体,配以一般用途性能上、下覆盖胶。在使用时抗拉体承受全部载荷。 用途 普通输送带通用性强、适用面广、广泛应用于煤炭矿山、港口、电力、冶金、化工等行业,用于输送块状粉状非腐蚀性物料。 规格型号 强度规格:1 60N/mm~500N/mm 宽度规格:300mm~2000mm
Specification intensity:1 60N/mm~500N/mm Width:300mm~2000mm Configuration General Fabric Core Conveyor BeIt (General Conveyor Belt for short) is made of rubberized cotton canvas or polyester cotton canvas or polyester cotton canvas as carcass,and covered with general—used rubber both on top and bottom. The carcass will bear all loads while conveying Application General Conveyor Belt is widely used for conveying nubby,powder,non-causticity material, in the field of coal, port, electricity, chemical industry, etc.

主要技术指标(GB/T 7984—2001)/Main Specification
1.覆盖胶性能/Cover Rubber Performance

2、层问粘合强度/Adhesion of ply to ply

型号标记/Belting is commonly Specified As Following Parttern