挪威AUTRONICA探头(AUT)、VRIOVING船用防火门锁(Vri)、STEARNS救生衣(Ste)、Angela-Mark格拉马克荧光灯(ALM)、英国ENTEL无线电话(ENT)、MASTERVORT船用电机(MSV)、挪威RAPP BOMEK 船用防火门配件
HX370SAS防爆 、HX280S普通、HX380、 HX300、GX1600、ICOM M304 25瓦 船台 、M33对讲机、M23对讲机、HX400AIS防爆、HX1100 25瓦
★手机:15392168217 ★QQ:2359443749 联系人:刘女士
Autronica: Autronica安防通用配件
DNH: 挪威全球最大的工业和商用的扬声器生产商。
Vrio ving: 船用防火门锁
Stearns: 美国斯特恩离合器
ENTEL: 英国Entel HT系列防水、防爆对讲机
FHF: 德国FHF防水防爆声力电话
AQUA SIGNAL (德国)--船用灯具、石油平台灯具包括航行信号灯、防爆灯、室内室外等
DAEYANG 大洋(韩国)---航行灯、泛光灯、搜索灯、信号灯,室内照明灯,防爆荧光灯,防爆白炽灯,防爆泛光灯等
SHENGENG 神港(台湾)--航行灯与信号灯、日光灯、投光灯、探照灯等
KARL DOSE (德国)-船用电器配备、集装箱插座、灯具
ASTRALUX (英国)-探照灯、白昼信号灯
ZOLLNER (德国)-声响信号系统(雾笛)
AIK (德国)-电缆密封系统
SCHNIEWINDT--室内加热器 / 防爆加热器
For more than a 100 years Rapp Marine Group successively has developed new generations of advanced machinery and equipment for the marine and offshore oil industries world wide. Their high priorities of R&D activites are closely linked to the groups basic strategy: Creating products and solutions at the technological forefront for an international market.
In the latter decades Rapp Marine Group has been expanding. The Rapp Marine Group organization is today active in many countries, and employs about 400 people worldwide. The groups headquarter are situated in Bodø, North of Norway. The subsidiaries Rapp Hydema and Rapp Bomek are also situated in Bodø, with management, administration and production facilities. Rapp Hydema Syd - Rapp Hydema's - southern arm, is situated at Gressvik just outside Fredrikstad. Rapp Pyrotec - Rapp Bomeks southern arm, is situated at Kapp, just outside Gjøvik.
Already in 1980 Rapp Hydema established an office in Seattle. In 1982 this became a separate company; Rapp Hydema U.S. Inc. The groups business in the United States is organized as a separate consolidated group, wholly owned by the mother company; Rapp Marine. The American Group is organized under the parent company, Rapp Hydema U.S. Inc, a holding company with three wholly-owned subsidiaries that are controlled from the headquarters in Seattle. Rapp Hydema North West is responsible for sales and service out of Seattle, plus operation of the workshop and local production. Rapp Hydema AK is the service arm of the Alaskan office and runs an engineering yard in Dutch Harbor. Rapp Hydema Subsea is responsible for the offshore market with offices in Houston, Texas.
原装供应挪威RAPP BOMEK产品
Even before 1982, the company then known as Fishing Hydraulic was an active supplier to the Scottish fisheries. In 1998, the name of this company was changed to Rapp Ecosse Ltd. The company is today situated in Peterhead in Scotland, near the fishing harbor.
Rapp Iberia is Rapp Hydemas arm in the Spanish market. The company is also fully owned by Rapp Hydema. Rapp Iberia is situated in Vigo, and operated by our long term partner and service sales manager Ignacio Iglesias Del Campo.
In January 2006, the board of Rapp Marine established a company in China as part of the group’s strategy to reduce production costs. The new comer, Rapp Offshore Marine, was chartered in Qingdao. Starting 1st July 2006, a local manager was appointed, he has for many years worked as an associate of Rapp Bomek.
The Serbian connection - Rapp Zastava, Kragujevac became a part of the Rapp Marine Group in October 2006. When Rapp Marine bought approximately 70 per cent of this Serbian workshop, the company changed its name from Zastava Masine to Rapp Zastava. Zastava Masine used to supply products mainly to the Central European market.
The Brazilian connection - Rapp Bomek Comercio E Industria Ltda, of Rio de Janeiro, was established in October 2006. The company is 90 % owned by Rapp Bomek and its objects are the marketing and manufacture of fire doors.
In addition to our own companies, Rapp Marine Group is proud to have active partners in Poland, and is associated with many central agencies around the world. More information about our companies and agents you can find under "Contact Us".
Rapp Marine Group focuses on two major market areas which are the key to our business: Fire Proof Doors and Winches/Deck machinery. The fireproof door operation is mainly based at Rapp Bomek and Rapp Pyrotec, whilst the winches and deck machinery are based in Rapp Hydema and Rapp Hydema Syd. Our associates in Serbia and China are generally involved in providing added production capacity which will sustain our competitiveness in the years ahead. Our associates in the U.S. and Scotland offer facilities for production, repairs and maintenance and represent the marketing channel in our Winches market/deck machinery area.