其汤色明净、香气浓郁、滋味醇厚回甘、叶底嫩绿鲜活,风韵独有,给人有色、香、味、形综合的美感享受,是绿茶中不可多得的,生产原料全部系选用凤冈地区原生态有机茶园生长健壮的鲜叶为原料,经传统工艺和现代先进技术精制加工而成,其有机锌、硒含量居全世界茶溶出物中锌、硒含量之冠;同时氨基酸、茶多酚等其他人体必须的微量元素也远远高于同类名茶。国家名优茶水渗出物标准为38%,而“品味印象”牌凤冈锌硒有机茶系列”高达42%以上,水渗出物为全国所有绿茶之最。 A rarity of green tea of unique charming, selected from bold and fresh buds in natural organic tea garden in Phoenix Hills. Provides the tea connoisseur a comprehensive aesthetic enjoy in its appearance, aroma, tastes and color. It brews clean and brilliant liquor with heavy and mellow tastes. The infused leaves are fresh green and lovely. The traditional and modern technology keeps the infusing release of organic Zn and Se contents top that of other teas in the world. The indispensable microelement contents to human health like Amino acid and tea polyphenols are also higher than that of other teas of the same kind. National standards for diffusion of high quality teas is 38% , while the Phoenix Hills ZnSe -rich Organic Tea Series branded "pinweiyingxiang" can reach at 42%, the highest among all green teas in China.