人体用仿鹿皮巾(Chamois Towel or Sport Towel)采用了PVA特殊防霉抗菌处理,质地柔软不掉棉絮,具有微细结构,利用毛细现象将物体表面的水迅速吸干,因而具有强大的吸水力。
聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl Alcohol,简称P.V.A.)首先是在公元1924年由德国的科学家Dr. Hermann与Dr. Haenel 共同合成得到此一崭新的水溶性高分子化合物。PVA历经无数科学家,工程师,制造者与使用者共同持续的力开发新制程,探讨新用途,使PVA的需求量逐年上升(1995年全球产量达600,000公吨),各种新的用途也不断的扩大中。
PVA是一种白色到微黄色,颗粒(或粉状),安定,无毐的水溶性高分子。水是PVA良好的溶剂。在实用的观点来看,水也是唯一有效的溶剂,PVA具有良好的造膜性,这形成的膜具有优异的接着力,耐溶剂性,耐摩擦性,伸张强度与氧气阻绝性,因为PVA 同时拥有亲水基及疏水基两种官能基,因此PVA具有界面活性的性质,所以PVA可以做为高分子乳化,悬浮聚合反应时的保护体。以上这些特有的性质使PVA广泛的应用在各行各业。
This product can strong toughness, tensile and tearing resistance; Water imbibition is strong; Feel good, soft and
fine and smooth, durable; Environmental PVA materials, dry a hard block, to prevent germs invasion and breeding
Pva (Polyvinyl Alcohol, P.V.A.) first in A.D. 1924 by the German scientist Dr. Hermann and Dr. Haenel together get
this new water soluble polymer compounds. PVA through countless scientists, engineers, manufacturers and users to
continuous force to the development of new processes, to explore new USES, the PVA rising demand for global prod-
uction of 600000 metric tons (1995), various kinds of new USES are constantly expanding.
PVA is a white to yellowish, particles (or powder), stability, no anti-hiv water-soluble polymer. Water is a PVA good solvent. In practical point of view, water is the only effective solvent, PVA has
good membranous, focusing on the formation of the membrane has excellent, solvent resistance, frictional resistance,
the stretching strength and oxygen block sex, because PVA with hydrophilic group and hydrophobic group of functionality,
the properties of PVA with interface activity, and PVA as polymer emulsion and suspension polymerization reaction in the
protection of the body. These unique properties of the PVA is widely used in all walks of life.
Special technology the company's products using imported PVA, PVA middle add a layer of
gauze mesh reinforcement, enhanced toughness and durability.It is different from the general
absorbent pads, super water absorption trace , and feels good, do not contain toxic chemicals,
not need when can be completely dry to hardening, the bacteria can't grow, immediately after
the water softening.
2. 产品变硬,便于防止细菌滋生,不影响使用,浸水后变软即可;
4. 请在70℃的水温下使用使用后可以放回桶内保湿,长期不用请凉干保存。
Method of use:
1. The new open, please wash in water for 10 seconds after use;
2. Product to harden, to prevent bacterial growth, do not affect use, after flooding soft;
3 can be used together with neutral detergent, can use the washing machine washing, do
not dry cleaning, do not bleach;
4. Please use under the water temperature of 70 ℃ after use can be moisture back into
the barrel.please keep dry if not use for a long time.
1: why did you receive the skin of the towel is wet?
Answer: yes, skin wipes is half wet state, and even some skin wipes there is clear water vapor on the outer packing
plastic bags, this is because the leather before they go out and to keep the skin wipes soft state using moisturizing pac- kaging. Advice before use, rinse it out.
答:皮巾在初使用时,都会有些许的褪色情况的出现,这像牛仔裤,多多少少都会出现褪色情况。 白色是皮巾的自然原色,未经染色,绝不会褪色。
2: leather cloth will fade?
Answer: skin wipes at first use, there will be a little faded situation appears, it like jeans, fade more or less will happen. White is skin color, without dyeing, will never fade.
3: the service life of leather wipes?
Answer: skin wipes is very durable, usually life several times of ordinary towel, under the condition of normal use, to use more than a year and a half there is absolutely no problem.
一、擦车巾 本品采用高科技技术及先进工艺精制而成;吸水特强、触感极佳。面质柔软细腻;擦拭后不留棉絮及水痕。经久耐用,乃汽车美容之精品;适用擦洗:挡风玻璃,车身,座椅,仪表盘等效果极为理想。
Skin towel USES:
ONE, washing car It will take a towel this article adopts the high-tech technology and advanced technology refined; Water absorption, strong, excellent tactility. The surface soft delicate; After wiping cotton and water mark. Durable, is the high-quality goods of car beauty; Applicable scrub: windscreen, body, seats, dashboard, etc effect is very ideal.
二、护发巾 洗发后用鹿皮巾包在头发上轻轻按摩三十秒头发就会自然干爽。免去了用吹风机时电磁波导致头发的干燥,枯黄,开岔,短裂。鹿皮巾它是自然的吸干水分,不会损伤发质。并且长期使用可保头发更加可保头发青春靓丽。
TWO, the skin towel to protect hair Package with skin towel on the hair after shampoo gently massage thirty seconds hair dry naturally. Dispense with the blow when the elec-tromagnetic wave leads to dry hair, withered and yellow, open fork, short crack. Deerskin towel blot moisture is natural, it will not damage the hair. And the long-term use of insurable hair more beautiful youth.
三、美容巾 女士卸妆时,用一般的毛巾很容易兹生细菌,用久了容易导致皮肤衰老,使皮肤失去光泽变的暗淡。而鹿皮巾百分之百抗菌设计,对皮肤没有任何伤害。只要用鹿皮巾在面部轻轻按摩,就可以去掉脸上的面油和残妆,长时间使用可以起到顺畅毛孔,护理肌肤的作用。
Three, beauty towels when discharge makeup, with a general towel will born bacteria easily, use for a long time is easy to cause skin aging, make the skin loses luster become bleak. And one hundred percent antibacterial deerskin towel design, to the skin without any damage. As long as with deerskin towel in the face, massage gently, can remove the face of the surface oil and residual makeup, use for a long time can rise to smooth the pores, skin care effect.
四、婴儿巾 本产品柔软细腻,吸水力强,宝宝洗澡后可迅速吸干身上水分,避免宝宝感冒着凉。从而能保护宝宝幼嫩的肌肤,让宝宝更加健康漂亮。宝宝突然在床上尿尿了,用来快速吸尿,抢救垫褥用鹿皮巾非常不错! 老年人:老年人正气渐虚,洗头后容易感冒,合成鹿皮巾正可解决老年人的后顾之忧。
Four, baby skin towel, this product is exquisite and soft, absorbent strong, after baby shower can rapidly sucking up moisture, avoid baby catch cold. Which can protect the baby tender skin, let the baby healthy and beautiful. Baby suddenly pee on the bed, which is used to quickly absorb urine, rescue bedding with deerskin towel is very good! The elderly: the elderly healthy atmosphere gradually virtual, easy to catch a cold after shampoo, syn-thetic deerskin towel is can solve the trouble back at home of the elderly.
五、运动毛巾 在我们运动时身体会排出大量的汗水,这时鹿皮巾是您的首选产品,您只要把鹿皮巾搭在身上既可迅速吸干汗水;游泳时披在后背吸水吸汗还防紫外线照射,并且美观大方。与皮肤接触处比一般毛巾可低2℃,比一般毛巾凉爽,是运动、健身时携带的佳品,奥运会上各国游泳跳水健儿使用的均是鹿皮巾。
Five, sports towels When our sports, body will discharge a lot of sweat,deerskin towel is you preferred product at this
you just put the deerskin towel draped over the body can quickly dry the sweat absorption; When swimming in back bibulous absorb sweat and prevent ultraviolet radiation,and the beauty is generous. Contact with the skin can be lower
2 ℃ than the general towel,It is cool than ordinary towel , It is carry goods for a popular sport, fitness,
the Olympic Games swimming ping athletes from all over the world use are deerskin towel.
六、出差用巾 出差时将合成鹿皮巾放进本包装罐中,既可避免使用宾馆的毛巾,又不会象普通湿毛巾那样在旅途中发霉、变味或浸湿旅行包内其他物品。
Six, Business skin towel Synthetic deerskin towel into the tins will be on business trip,can avoid to use the hotel towel, and not like ordinary wet towels on the trip mildewy, sour, or other items inside the bag.
七、宠物巾 在宠物洗澡后特别不容易擦干,容易使宠物生病,用鹿皮巾把宠物包起来,既可在短时间内把宠物身体上的水分吸的干干净净,使宠物更加可爱,健康。
Seven, Pet wipes after special pet was in the shower is not easy to dry, easy to make the pet is ill,the pet with deerskin towel wrapped up, can in a short time, the pet body water clean, make the pets more lovely, healthy.
八、家电擦巾 本品吸水特强.触感极佳.面质柔软细腻;擦拭后不留棉絮及水痕,用作擦拭家中电器效果最为理想,可用于擦洗:电视,电脑荧光频,及冰箱,洗衣机,钢琴等高档家电等;它能有效的护理高档物体的表面,强有效的延长了其物体的寿命。
Eight, Electrical appliances clean towel . This product absorbed the water is strong. Excellent tactility.
The surface soft delicate; After wiping without cotton and water mark, used to wipe the ideal effect of home appliances,
can be used to scrub: TV, computer frequency fluorescence, and refrigerators, washing machines, piano and other high-end home appliance, etc.;It can effective nursing high-grade surface,effectively prolongs the service of the object.
九、吸水巾 本品吸水力特强,清洗过后的毛衣用鹿皮只要两次就可吸干90%以上的水分,也可用来吸试打湿的地毯及比较厚的衣物:不会损伤衣物的原有纤维,也避免了地毯因长期潮湿而导致发霉发臭及生虫的后果。
Nine, Absorb water skin towel This product strong absorbent, washing the sweater after the skins for twice as long as can suck up more than 90% of the water,
can also be used to test wet carpet and thick clothing: will not damage the original fiber clothing, also avoid carpet for wet for a long time and cause the consequences of the moldy rancid and insect.
十、家具擦巾 我们平常擦家具都是用毛巾来擦洗,毛巾掉棉絮,留水痕,并且毛巾粗糙,容易刮伤家具表面。使用鹿皮巾擦洗,只要一遍擦过去去污、去灰力特强,免用清洁剂,就能把家具擦得干干净净不留水痕及去除毛絮效果极佳。非常好清洗,只要在清水里轻柔几下便可清洗干净,是家庭卫生清洁必备用品。
Ten ,Furniture brush towel we usually brush furniture furniture is to scrub with a towel, towel cotton, have a besmirch, rough and towel, easy to scratch furniture surface.
Deerskin towel wash to use, just one time wipe that the decontamination and dust is force strong, dispensing with cleaner,can remove furniture wipe very clean without water mark and flocculant MAO excellent results.
Very easy wash, gently a few times wash the skin towel in the water that can be cleaned. The skin towel is family’s necessary cleaning supplies.
十一、家居玻璃擦巾 用鹿皮巾清洁玻璃或浴室的镜子不会留下任何纤维状物质,去污、去灰力特强,免用清洁剂,也可清洁厨房用具或用于餐具放进消毒柜前擦干餐具
Eleven, Household glass brush towel Use deerskin towel to clean glass or glass bathroom mirror will not leave any fibrous material,
decontamination, dedust force strong, dispensing with cleaner, can also be clean kitchen utensils or used in tableware into the disinfection cabinet before dry the dishes
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