刻字机 | 中国产 | 3800 | C48 |
刻字机 | 中国产 | 2800 | C24 |
刻字机 | 中国产 | 4800 | S48 |

C48刻字机 |
5152237716 |
0755-82413878 |

| 高精度“钢刺”轴, 确保走纸不偏位 |  | 特大刀压, 可刻透特厚工程材料 |

| 10键硅胶按键, 操作简便,经久耐用 |  | 4*8高清字符液晶背光显示, 适应不同工作环境 |

| 高速运算微处理器,运行平稳, 噪音低,切割时无锯齿 |  | 人性化设计,可不停机调整刻刀压力和刻绘速度 |

| 高强度铝合金机身, 流线型设计美观大方 |  | USB接口,支持热插拔 |

| 支持Windows 2000/xp2/ VISTA32位操作系统 |  | 独创工作尺寸计算功能, 断电不清除 |

| LED定位辅助, 轮廓切割功能(选配) | | |
技术参数 |
型 号 | C48 | 最大进纸宽度 | 1300mm | 最大切割宽度 | 1200mm/48Inch | 操作系统 | windows,mac* | 接口 | RS232C,USB接口 | 控制面板 | 10键硅胶按键 | 驱动 | 数字DC步进电机,微步细分驱动 | 显示 | 4*8高清字符液晶 | 绘图指令 | HP-GL, DMPL | 最大切割速度 | 600mm/s | 最大切割厚度 | 1mm | 刀压 | 50g~800g ( 160级数码调节 ) | 机械精度 | 0.025mm | 重复精度 | < ±0.1mm | 电源 | AC90~240V/50Hz~60Hz | 定位方式 | 限界系统,任意原点设定 | 作业方式 | 滚筒式 | 工作环境 | +5℃~ +35℃,相对湿度30%~70% | 支撑方式 | 立式 | 净重尺寸 | 1530*265*270 / 32kg | 毛重尺寸 | 1595*380*395 / 36.5kg | 轮廓切割功能 | 选配 | 选配软件 | Artcut / Flexi | (*需切割软件支持及选用适配线) |

Shenzhen Honghui Advertisement Technoloty Co., Ltd. Is a professional advertising materials and equipment sales company, the company set up: equipment sales, advertising sales and advertising materials design department, after-sales service and maintenance service.
Equipment Sales: The sales of computer engraving machine, laser engraving machines, photo machine, computer engraving machine, flame polishing machine, trigger plate rot, cold mounted machine equipment and so on a series of ads supporting machinery.
Sales of advertising material: The main sales of printing supplies no Bao Series / picture cuticle series, exhibitions, display equipment, outdoor, indoor advertising material series. Mounting series, light profile series and so on eight more than 3000 exhibition of advertising material.
Department of Advertising Design: mainly indoor photo printing, computer engraving, sign making, screen printing sign installation design.
The company places great emphasis on reputation and customer service letters, and strictly guard the quality of products, and strive to the best products and services to customers, the company in Sincerity-oriented, the principles of quality. Customer satisfaction is our goal.