粘接剂Glue SICOMET 50 密封胶 SICOMET 50
SICOMET 50基于酸乙酯是一种快速固化瞬间胶
2 - 氰基丙烯酸酯与一种低粘度。该产品是专
由于低粘度SICOMET 50是适合于拟合良好
粘接剂Glue SICOMET 50 密封胶 SICOMET 50
Sicomet 50 is a fast curing instant adhesive based on Ethyl-
2-cyanoacrylate with a low viscosity. The product is designed
for fast and high-strength bonding of plastics and elastomers.
Due to the low viscosity Sicomet®50 is suitable for well fitting
parts with very small or no gaps. The product can be used up
to +80 °C operation temperature and at short-term load up to+100 °C.