This illustration distinctly shows the importance of using a fume extraction system, even when soldering only once in a while or for just a few hours a day. The captured particles are primarily condensed residues from flux. Without a filter system these particles ill be partly inhaled the operator with the remainder spread over the work object and workplace. In contrast, a proper filter system will eliminate not only the particles, but will also catch and eliminate dangerous gases created in the soldering process.
Hazardous smoke and fumes, harmful to your health if inhaled, are
present in many workplace environments. Operations using lead-free
solder, lasers, solvents, and glues are especially at risk.
Overexposure can lead to serious – and possibly long term – medical
problems.Health difficulties such as nosebleed, eye irritation, and
sore throat are occurring with increasing frequency in the workplace,
as are incidences of dermatitis, occupational asthma, and, in some
cases, permanent lung damage.
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“Occupational Asthma is a disease characterized by variable air flow
limitation and/or airway hyper-responsiveness due to causes and
conditions attributable to a particular occupational environment and
not to stimuli encountered outside the workplace.” (Bernstein et al
Fumes and gases in industrial areas are often dangerous to the people
working in those areas. Some of these substances are readily visible
or have a distinct odor; others are invisible and odorless. Many are
toxic and can lead to allergic reactions, sometimes progressing to occupational asthma.
Occupational asthma is a major issue in electronics manufacturing
because when a worker develops occupational asthma, they must be
removed from the working area, sometimes permanently. In some
countries, cases of occupational asthma due to flux fumes and/or
isocyanates have already lead to legal claims against employers.
Occupational asthma is often indicated by symptoms common to hay
fever – an itchy, blocked, or runny nose, often accompanied by
sneezing and glazed, itchy, or watering eyes.
The transition to lead-free soldering has reduced strain on the
environment, but for the operator, the hand soldering process has
become more dangerous. The lead in the solder is gone, but to get the
solder wire to flow properly, substantially more flux must be used.
The temperature needed to create a good solder joint using lead-free
solder is also higher, causing a stronger reaction within the flux and
creating more solder smoke with a greater number of particles. Lead-
free soldering produces up to 250 % more particles between 0.5 and 1.0
microns in diameter, the size that is the most dangerous to inhale. In
addition to particles, solder smoke can contain isocyanates,
aldehydes, and other unhealthy substances.
Lead-free soldering causes up to 250 % more particles in the breathing
zone … roughly 20 million particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns in
diameter per cubic foot, or about 700 million particles per cubic
How particles of different size get caught in different parts of the
human respiratory system: