兼房金属冷锯锯片:日本原装兼房ST-4冷锯系列ST-4/ST-4F中碳钢用、SUS系列不锈钢用、TI-4系列轴承钢用、是日本兼房株式会社在COLDSAW领域的第四代金属冷锯产品,适合用于中低碳钢实心棒材或厚壁管材的高速切断,并且切割面品质(切割表面光洁度、平面度)均非其它锯切方式可比,在锯切效率上更是带锯条锯切高出5~10倍,故在模具制作、机械制造行业开始广泛被引进使用,极大提升的工厂的产能。 兼房ST-4冷锯适配于锋和、宽泰等CNC高速切断机上使用,而在钢铁金属棒材快速裁切领域,兼房公司早在上个世纪80年代最率先研发推出COLDSAW冷锯,几秒钟就能精密切断直径50mm~70左右的实心棒材,包括不锈钢、模具钢,这在金属切割史上是一个具有里程碑意义的创新,经历30年来产品更新换代,目前最新的第五代兼房冷锯即将推出,更加耐用持久的锯片性能值得期待。
外径 | 齿宽 | 内孔 | 齿数 | 齿形 |
250 | 2.0 | 32 | 54T/72T/80T | BS |
285 | 2.0 | 32 | 60T/72T/80T/100T/120T | BS |
315 | 2.25 | 32 | 48T/60T/80T | BS |
360 | 2.6 | 40/50 | 60T/80T/100T | BS |
425 | 2.7 | 40/50 | 50T/80T | BS |
460 | 2.7 | 40/50 | 40T/60T | |
日本小林金属加工锯片(Circle Saw blade for Metal Cutting)
We use high grade Cermet tips with the most advance
grinding machine(Enokida and vollmer)
Special tips make sure metal-cutting more stable and more
faster.Special tip for stainless stell cutting. Meanwhile the using life is
more longer than the normal one
Body using SKS steel.The high grade body teel makes the
work more easier and stable.
Targeted design point of view, high precision grinding
technology, to ensure a good finish, at the same time, breakthrough in high
strength grinding technology, guarantee the metal cutting saw plate of high
stability and smoothness. Realization of the similar products in a better life.
Saw blade in continuous use stability strong, durable
damage of the cutting edge, high degree of finish, the customer's production
efficiency and product quality are the biggest obstacle.
不锈钢切割锯片(Stainless Steel Cutting Saw blade)
外径Diameter | 刃厚Kerf | 中心孔Arbor | 齿数Teeth |
255 | 1.9 | 25.4 | 80T |
285 | 2.0 | 32 | 120T |
315 | 2.25 | 32 | 120T |
切铁锯片(Steel Cutting Saw
外径 | 刃厚 | 内控 | 齿数(棒材) | 齿数(管材) | |
250* | 2.0 | 32 | 54/72/80 | 100/120 | |
285 | 2.0 | 32 | 60/72/80 | 100/120/140 | |
315 | 2.25 | 32 | 48/60/*80 | | |
360 | 2.6 | 40/50 | 60/80/100 | 120/140 | |
425 | 2.7 | 40/50 | 50/80 | | |
460 | 2.7 | 40/50 | 40/60 | | |