Applica tions TINUVIN 328 is a hig hly effective lig ht sta bilizer for a va riety of pla stics a nd other org a nic
su bstra tes. Its u se is recom m ended for the sta biliza tion of styrene hom o- a nd copolym ers,
a crylic polym ers, u nsa tu ra ted polyesters, polyvinylchloride, polyolefins, polyu retha nes,
polya ceta ls, polyvinyl bu tyra l, ela stom ers, a nd a dhesives.
Fea tu res/ Benefits TINUVIN 328 fea tu res strong UV a bsorption, low initia l color, excellent com pa tibility in a
w ide va riety of su bstra tes, g ood solu bility in pla sticizers a nd m onom ers, a nd m odera tely
low vola tility. It protects polym ers a s w ell a s org a nic pig m ents from UV ra dia tion, helping
to preserve the orig ina l a ppea ra nce a nd physica l integ rity of m olded a rticles, film s, sheets,
a nd fibers du ring ou tdoor w ea thering .
Prod u ct Form s Code: Appea ra nce:
TINUVIN 328 slig htly yellow pow der
TINUVIN 328 FF slig htly yellow , free-flow ing g ra nu les
G u idelines for u se The u se levels of â TINUVIN 328 ra ng e betw een 0 .10 a nd 1.0%, depending on su bstra te
a nd perform a nce requ irem ents of the fina l a pplica tion. The produ ct can be u sed a lone or
in com bina tion w ith other a dditives su ch as lig ht sta bilizers (hindered a m ines),
a ntioxida nts (hindered phenols, phosphites, thiosynerg ists, hydroxyla m ines, la ctones), a nd
other fu nctiona l sta bilizers a nd a dditives. The u se of â TINUVIN 328 in com bina tion w ith
hindered a m ine lig ht sta bilizers is pa rticu la rly notew orthy in tha t a synerg istic perform a nce