1. 设备简介Device introduction:
本试验机乃专门测试手机、汽车零件、电机开关、电工电子、电器等产品外壳的防尘能力。The testing machine is the specialized test mobile phone, car parts, electrical switches, electrical and electronic, electrical products such as shell dust capacity.
2. 符合标准Applicable standard:
适用于IEC-529 GB4280-93砂尘试验方法(防尘试验); GB2423.37-89砂尘试验方法(防尘试验); GB10485防尘试验方法及等效的JIS、DIN、MIN等试验标准.Applicable to IEC-529 GB4280-93 ; GB2423.37-89; GB10485 and the equivalent JIS, DIN, MIN test standard.
3. 设备规格Device Specification:
产品选型与技术参数Model selection & Technical parameters |
产品型号Model No. | FC-500 | FC-1000 | FC-3000 | FC-8000 |
内箱尺寸Internal dimension(cm) | 80×80×80 | 100×100×100 | 150×150×150 | 200×200×200 |
外箱尺寸External dimension(cm) | 100×125×170 | 120×145×190 | 170×195×210 | 220×245×290 |
网标称线径Sieve diameter | 50um |
气流速度Air velocity | 1~3m/s 可调; 1~3m/s Adjusted |
干燥滑石粉用量Tale powder | 2kg~4kg |
灰尘浓度Dust concentration | 2Kg/m3 |
吹/停时间Play / stop time | 吹1min/停59min可调; Blowing dust /Stop time can be set |
振动/停振时间Vibration / oscillation stop time | 0~9999H可任意设定; 0~9999H Can be set |
真空泵速率Vacuum pump rate | 1.5m3/H |
空气流量计Air flow meter | 150~1500NL/H |
抽真空时间Vacuum pumping time | 0~9999H可设定;0~9999H Can be set |
控制系统Control system | 可编程控制系统,触摸屏中文人机界PLC+LCD touch screen |
内胆材料Liner material
| SU304高级不锈钢板 SU304 stainless steel plate |
外壳材料Shell material | 高品质冷轧钢板内外喷粉烤漆Cold-rolled steel plate and spray paint |
电源Power supply | AC220V/50Hz/10A |