【厂家直销】海南 绿色环保椰棕产品之Mulch weed mat,Tree ring
尺寸(公分) | 0.5~1.0 |
内/外直径(cm) | 12~100, 支持定制各种规格 |
重量(g/平方米) | 800-1400 |
水份含量 | < 15% |
杂质含量 | <= 3% |
纤维长度 | 5~25CM,其中80%左右超过10CM |
材质 | 优质椰棕,天然乳胶 |
颜色 | 天然色,支持定制染色(如果绿色、胭脂红、亮蓝色) |
Mulch weed mat,Tree ring description
1.Product:Coco Discs, Tree Rigns, Weed Killer, Winterschutz Kokosmatte, Winterschutz Topfabdeckung coco flower dics, Winterschutz Cocostem, Cocotex Disks
2. the size can be customized according to your requirements;
3.Made from organic Coco fiber and natural latex, they can easily be cut to shape with a sharp knife if you have some awkward little places.
4.They last at least a couple of seasons. Just leave them there until they go back to the soil.
5.It will do no harm, and perhaps a little good. Including a sneaky way to catch those slugs in the daytime!
6.They conserve water, give insulation, and really put out some pests, for example the cabbage white fly.
7.Using them in the larger pots, around the cherry and bay trees, covering the tubs of lily bulbs over winter, in fact anywhere you are fed up with weeding, or weeding could be a little tricky.
海南文昌永兴椰棕垫/椰垫/椰棕软垫 采用优质椰棕丝为原料及环保天然乳胶为沾合剂,不返潮、不缓性、不开层、软硬适度、外观整齐、质量上乘
永兴椰棕垫/椰垫/椰棕软垫的密度、规格, 均可以按客户要求定制,保证质量,发货快捷,避免价格浮动给客户造成的损失,百分百满意,百分百放心