玻璃钢板材是由热固性塑料和强化玻璃纤维复合而成,强度大于钢材和铝材。产品在超低温或者高温下不会发生脆裂变形,导热系数极低,可防止热传导。产品在强腐蚀环境下耐老化、耐黄变、耐腐蚀、耐摩擦、易清洗。符合卫生安全要求。产品可替代彩钢板、铝板、不锈钢板、瓷砖等。产品广泛运用于车厢、集装箱、保温板、活动房、各种方舱及防腐工程做外蒙皮等。 Fiberglass reinforced plastic panel Composed of thermosetting plastics and reinforced fiberglass. Greater than that of steel products and aluminum products in specific tenacity. Products in the ultralow temperature or high temperature will not happen brittle fracture, deformation and to prevent heat transfer. Corrosion products in the environment anti-aging, yellowing resistant, corrosion resistant, friction resistance, easy to clean. Products can be an alternative color steel, aluminum, stainless steel plates, etc