英国TTi TG5011 任意波形产生器 任意函数产生器 任意脉冲产生器 任意信号产生器 发生器
TG5011 & TG2511 Advanced Function/Arbitrary/Pulse Generators
l Up to 50MHz sine and square, 1μHz or 14 digit resolution
l Arbitrary waveforms of up to 128K points at up to 125MS/s
l True pulse generator with variable delay and variable rise/fall
l Internal & external digital modulation, AM, FM, PM, PWM, FSK
l Programmable via USB, GPIB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces
l 1μHz to 50MHz or 25MHz range; 14 digits or 1μHz resolution.
l Standard waveforms include sine, square, ramp, pulse, sin(x)/x, noise, exponential and logarithmic rise.
l True pulse generator with variable delay and variable rise/fall.
l Arbitrary waveforms of up to 128K points at up to 125MS/s.
l Waveform storage using USB flash drives
l Large graphic LCD with simultaneous text and waveform display.
l Comprehensive internal and external digital modulations including AM, FM, PM, PWM and FSK.
l 20mV to 20V pk-pk output from 50W ; plus multi function aux. out.
l Storage for multiple instrument set-ups in non-volatile memory.
l Waveform Manager Plus for Windows software included.
l Programmable via USB and LAN (LXI) interfaces; GPIB optional.
l The TG5011 and TG2511 are a high performance DDS arbitrary/function generators that utilise the latest high speed FPGA technologies to provide an exceptionally good price to performance ratio. They substantially out-perform the competition with high quality sine and square waveforms at up to 50MHz.
l The full graphics display is capable of showing representative waveform information simultaneously with a comprehensive status readout. The casing is highly compact being half rack width by 2U height.
l The wide range of standard waveforms is supplemented by full arbitrary waveform capability using a 125MS/s sampling rate and up to 128K word record length. Waveforms can be downloaded via the digital interfaces or loaded and saved via the front mounted USB flash drive interface.
l Pulse waveforms are generated by a dedicated pulse generator system with independent setting of period, width and delay. Rise and fall times are independently variable over a wide range.
l A comprehensive digital modulation system is incorporated covering AM, FM, PM, PWM, FSK and Noise. Modulations can be internal or external at frequencies from DC up to 20kHz.
l A comprehensive set of interfaces includes USB and LAN (conforming with LXI) as standard plus GPIB as an option.
The TGxx11 series is the latest and most advanced digital function generator from TTi.
It incorporates a full graphic display and offers high quality standard waveforms, high speed arbitrary waveforms, and full pulse generator facilities.
Pulses can be set-up from independent period, width and delay, with variable rise and fall times. Internal or external digital modulations are available using any waveshape.
Waveform Manager Plus software
l Waveform creation, editing,import and management
l Full waveform building tools
l Interface via RS232, USB, LAN or GPIB
Waveform Manager Plus is supplied with all TGA series generators and the TG4001 & TGxx11. Full details of the software capabilities are available on the web site.
TTi arbitrary generators include a built-in waveform creation/edit-ing facility that includes point-by-point value insertion, straight line interpolation between points and standard waveform insertion between points.
However, complex arbitrary waveforms will need to be generated using sophisticated software tools outside of the instrument and transferred using a digital interface.
Waveform Manager Plus is a Windows program that offers the most comprehensive range of waveform creation and editing tools available including a full mathematical expression generator and freehand drawing tools.
Waveform Manager Plus is supplied as standard with all TGA series generators and with the TG4001 and TGxx11.
Waveform Manager Plus can also be used to import waveforms from other software programs or other hardware devices and to scale and crop these waveforms for compatibility with the target arbitrary generator.
l Full waveform building tools including standard waveforms, mathematical expressions, clipboard functions and freehand drawing.
l Compatible with Windows 2000 thro Windows 7.
l Vertical resolutions up to 16 bits (65536 points).
l Horizontal resolutions to over one million points.
l Waveform import/export via clipboard functions.
l Direct import from CSV files
l Download and upload via RS232, USB, GPIB, LAN.
TTi TG5011 函数/任意/脉冲发生器 频宽50MHz
TG5011 是 TTi 的最新、最高级的数字函数发生器。
与同等价位的其他发生器相比,最新 FPGA 技术的使用实现了更高的频率。
频率范围 1μHz 到 50MHz;14 位或 1μHz 分辨率
125MS/s 时高达 128K 点任意波形
使用 USB 闪存驱动器存储波形
大图形 LCD 同时显示文本和波形
全面的内部/外部调制,包括 AM、FM、PM、PWM 和 FSK
20mV 到 20V 峰间值输出(从 50?);校正其他负载阻抗
半机架 2U 外壳,带防护缓冲器和多位置手柄
Waveform Manager Plus 创建/编辑软件,用于 Windows 平台
可通过 USB 和 LAN 接口编程;符合 LXI C 类
正弦波 | 1μHz 到 50MHz,14 位或 1μHz 分辨率 |
谐波(1V 峰间值) | 直流到 20MHz:-65dBc;20kHz 到 100kHz:-60dBc; 100kHz 到 1MHz:-45dBc;1MHz 到 50MHz:-40dBc |
方形波 | 1μHz 到 50MHz,14 位或 1μHz 分辨率 |
上升和下降时间 | <8ns |
脉冲 | 0.5mHz 到 12.5MHz,14 位或 1μHz 分辨率 |
宽度和延时范围 | 宽度:20ns 到 2000s;延时:0ns 到 2000s |
上升和下降时间 | 在 <8ns 和 40μs 之间单独可调 |
三角和斜坡 | 1μHz 到 500kHz,12 位或 1μHz 分辨率 |
对称/线性 | 0.0 % 到 100.0 %,0.1% 分辨率;<0.1% 到 30 kHz |
噪声 | 高斯白噪声 20MHz 带宽 |
任意波形 | |
采样率/分辨率 | 125MS/s;14 位 |
波形长度 | 高达 128k 点(2 点到 131072 点) |
最大频率 | 10MHz 最大波形重复率 |
波形存储 | 内部多达 4 种波形,每记忆棒多达 1000 种波形 |
提供波形 | 正弦、指数上升/下降、对数上升/下降、心律、高斯、迭加正弦、迭加余弦、洛伦兹 |
波形编辑 | 内置点对点编辑器。 可使用 Waveform Manager Plus 在 PC 上完全创建和编辑,通过记忆棒或数字接口传输 |
频率精确度和相位锁定 | |
精确度 | 内部:超过 18 到 28oC 时为 1ppm;外部:锁到 10MHz 参考 |
相位锁 | 可使用时钟和同步输入/输出锁定多个发生器的相位 |
输出电平 | |
振幅 | 至 50? 10mV 到 10V 峰间值(20mV 到 20V 峰间值电动势) |
直流偏移 | 至 50? 0V 到 ± 5V(任何振幅) |
负载校正 | 可以选作 50? 或 Hi-Z 或 1? 到 10k? 之间的任何阻抗 |
均整度(正弦) | < 0.15dB 到 5MHz,<0.3dB 到 20MHz,<0.5dB 到 50MHz |
调制 - AM、FM、PM、PWM、FSK、噪声、扫描、门控、脉冲串 | |
扫描 | 1μHz 到 50MHz 相位连续,线性/对数,上/下,内部或外部 |
AM | 0.0% 到 120.0%,外部或内部(使用任何波形),直流到 20kHz |
调频 | 直流到 Fmax/2;外部或内部(使用任何波形),直流到 20kHz |
PM | -360.0 到 +360.0o;外部或内部(使用任何波形),直流到 20kHz |
PWM(仅脉冲) | 宽度的 0% 到 100%;外部或内部(使用任何波形),直流到 20kHz |
噪声 | 噪声可用作调制器,也可添加到任何波形 |
外部调制输入 | AM、FM、PM、PWM:± 5V 满刻度、直流到 20kHz |
触发功能 | 门控或触发脉冲串、1 到 1M 循环或无限、可变启动/停止相位 源:键盘、触发发生器、外部插座或总线接口 |
内部触发发生器 | 2mHz 到 1MHz 方形波可以 1us 的增量调整,9 位分辨率 |
数字接口 | |
USB 闪存驱动器 | 正面安装插座,用于 USB 闪存,每个设备多达 1000 种波形和 1,000 种设置 |
远程控制 | 通过 USB 和 LAN 接口(LXI C 类)完全控制和文件传输 |
通用 | |
电源要求 | 110-240V 交流 ±10% 50/60Hz;60VA;安装类别 II |
大小和重量 | 250 x 97 x 270mm(或 2U ½ 机架,无缓冲器/手柄)。 2.55kg |
操作手册、Waveform Manager Plus 任意波形软件(Windows 平台)、IVI Driver 软件、电源线。
更多资料索取 请联系:
上海敦翔电子科技有限公司 杨嘉槟 电话:15000031060