Rohde&Schwarz ZVB4/ 两通道网络分析仪ZVB4
公司擅长无线测试方案,可测试无线鼠标,无线键盘,无线遥控器,无线抄表,RFID,误码分析测试BER,手机外壳测试(合作伙伴有三星手机,黑莓手机,苹果手机,诺基亚手机,以及该品牌的众多代工厂),天线测试,路由器,信号放大器,滤波器测试,广电产品,监控产品等众多电子产品的测试,欢迎各研发单位,方案公司,电子生产企业前来联系,洽谈购买业务。因为二手仪器的价格是全新进口仪器价格的30%左右,二手仪器可以为各企业省去70%的仪器成本,享有同样的售后服务,二手仪器没有货期,随时采购随时使用,经济实惠。廖生13590256385 QQ:785298834 \
品牌:罗德与施瓦茨 Rohde&Schwarz
The R&S®ZVB series of vector n e t w ork analyzers covers the frequency ranges from 300 kHz to 4/8 GHz and from 10 MHz to 14/20 GHz. It has been designed for universal measurements on passive and active c o mponents. The R&S®ZVB series greatly simplifies vector n e t w ork analysis especially for multiport measurements and measurements on balanced devices. Featuring c o mprehensive measurement functions, excellent specifications, high measurement and data transfer speeds and remote-control capability, the analyzers of the R&S®ZVB series are an ideal choice for both development and production applications. The c o mpact versions of the 14 GHz and 20 GHz t w o-port models leave ample room for test setups in the lab, featuring a height of only 24 cm and a depth of 42 cm.
New multiport concept
◇ Instruments with t w o or four test ports – for multiport and balanced measurements
◇ Two internal sources (four-port models) – to provide RF and LO signals for mixer measurements by means of a single unit