1. 风机 2.热源 3.冷风风机 4.隔振弹簧 5.振动电机 6.机体 7.分布板 8.加料机 9.上盖 10.除尘器 11.排湿风机
特 点
1、 与固定流化床相比,因为有两台高频振动电机的作用,使得产生物料流化所需气流速度大大降低,从而减小了空气流量和动力消耗,特别是流化状态更稳定,不会产生固定床存在的沟流和腾涌现象;
2、 物料颗粒在热气流中处于悬浮状态,得到充分混合和高度分散,颗粒的所有表面都参与热质交换,故气固两相间的传热传质系数高;
3、 气固两相传热速率高,使物料床层温度均匀性很容易调节,保证了物料干燥的均匀性;
4、 物料在床层内停留时间一般在数分钟至数小时之间可任意调节,对难于干燥或干燥产品含水率要求低的物料特别适合;
5、 结构简单,操作方便。不适合于易粘结或结块的物料干燥。
产 品 型 号 | 床 体 | 外 形 | 重 量(kg) |
床宽 | 床长 | 宽 | 长 | 高 |
ZG3×30 | 300 | 3000 | 890 | 3505 | 1830 | 1240 |
ZG3×45 | 300 | 4500 | 1116 | 5005 | 1830 | 1570 |
ZG6×45 | 600 | 4500 | 1286 | 5005 | 1940 | 1967 |
ZG6×60 | 600 | 6000 | 1286 | 6510 | 1940 | 2743 |
ZG6×75 | 600 | 7500 | 1286 | 8010 | 1940 | 2886 |
ZG9×60 | 900 | 6000 | 1830 | 6510 | 2110 | 3540 |
ZG9×75 | 900 | 7500 | 1830 | 8010 | 2110 | 4219 |
ZG12×75 | 1200 | 7500 | 2400 | 8010 | 2450 | 5223 |
ZG9×75 | 1500 | 7500 | 2850 | 8010 | 2570 | 6426 |
ZG18×80 | 1800 | 8000 | 3250 | 8520 | 3100 | 8600设备名称:ZQG型振动流化床干燥机 | ![](http://www.jf-granulator.com/pro/21.jpg) | | | ![](http://www.jf-granulator.com/cn/sys/img/sss.jpg) | 用途概述 :General of application | |
★ 振动源是采用振动角电机驱动,运转平稳,维修方便,噪音低,寿命长。 ★流态化匀称,无空隙和吹穿现象,可以获得均匀的干燥、冷却制品。 ★可调性好,适应面宽 , 料层厚度和在机内移动速度以及全振幅变更均可实现无级调节。 ★对物料表面的损伤小,可用于易碎物料的干燥 , 物料颗粒不规则时亦不影响工作效果 ★采用全封闭式的结构,有效的防止了物料与空气交叉感染,作业环境清洁。 ★机械效率与热效率高,节能效果好,比一般的干燥装置可节能30-60%。 ★The vibration source is vibration motor. It features constant operation, convenient maintenance, low noise and long life.
★Uniform fluid-bed, without the phenomenon of gap and blowing out. The uniform drying and cooling product can be got.
★Good adjustable and wide applicability. The change of thickness of material layer, moving speed in the machine and full amplitude can adopt infinitely adjustment.
★Less damage to the surface of material. It can be used for drying material that is easy to broken. The work efficiency is not be affected even if the granule of material is irregular.
★Adopt full sealed structure. It is effective to protect cross infection between material and air. The operation environment is clean.
★High mechanical and thermal efficiency and good effect of energy saving. Compared with ordinary drying equipment, it can save 30 ~60% energy.
★ 适用于粉状、颗粒状物料的干燥、冷却、增湿等作业(或同时进行)。
★ It is widely used for operation of drying, cooling and damp increasing (or carry out at the same time) for power or granule material.
| ![](http://www.jf-granulator.com/cn/sys/img/sss.jpg) | 技术参数: Technical data Техгнические характеристики | | 型号 Specification | 床体 (mm)Fluid-bed | 外形尺寸 (mm)Over size | 振动电机功率 (kw) Power of librated motor | 重量 (kg) Weight | A1 | B1 | A | B | C | 3x30 | 300 | 3000 | 890 | 3505 | 1830 | 0.5x2 | 1240 | 3x45 | 300 | 4500 | 1116 | 5005 | 1830 | 0.75x2 | 1570 | 6x45 | 600 | 4500 | 1286 | 5005 | 1904 | 1.1x2 | 1967 | 6x60 | 600 | 6000 | 1286 | 6510 | 1940 | 1.1x2 | 2743 | 6x75 | 600 | 7500 | 1286 | 8010 | 1940 | 1.1x2 | 2886 | 9x60 | 900 | 6000 | 1830 | 6510 | 2110 | 2.2x2 | 3540 | 9x75 | 900 | 7500 | 1830 | 8010 | 2110 | 2.2x2 | 4219 | 12x75 | 1200 | 7500 | 2400 | 8010 | 2450 | 3x2 | 5223 | 15x75 | 1500 | 7500 | 2850 | 8010 | 2570 | 4x2 | 6426 | 18x80 | 1800 | 8000 | 3250 | 8520 | 3100 | 5.5x2 | 8600 |
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