外贸批发 量大从优
LCD智能镍氢电池充电器-5号 7号电池充电器-多功能充电器
具备检测电池容量功能(Charge Test)
1.四节电池同时充电(一二三四通道)可供选择电流共有四档200 500 700 1000mA(两节电池充电,放在一四通道,可供选择的电流六档:200 500 700 1000 1500 1800mA)。
3. 利用- △V的原理判定电池充满状态,可以保证不同的充电池都能充满电。
9.工作环境温度:0℃ - 45℃
1. 长按MODE 3秒钟,进入工作模式进行选择,再按此键有四种工作模式可供选择,分别是charge(充电)、discharge(放电)、discharge refersh(刷新)、charge test(容量测试)、修复(repair)、定时(timer).
2. 按DISPLAY可以分别显示充电电流大小,显示电池的电压值,电池的电量,电池的充放电的时间
3. 充电器默认的工作模式为200mA充电模式
4. 按CURRENT,在选择MODE模式的时候按此键有效,可调整充电与放电电流的大小
5. 当电池充电时的温度超过58度时,会进入热保护,此时,显示的充电电流大小全部为0mA
6. 当充电器内部温度达到75度时,充电器会进入热保护状态,此时显示的充电电流大小全部为0mA
7. 当充电器内部温度超过78度时,充电器进入复位状态
8. 当充电器进入保护时,电池温度降到40度时则重新启动
9. 当充电器进入保护时,充电器温度降到45度时则重新启动
10. 当充电器上有电池在充电,再放一个电池上去时,CURRENT设置最大值只能为先前已设置的电流值
11. 用两节电池放在一四通道充电(charge)时,当选择充电电流在1500与1800mA时,二三通道不显示即不工作
12. 两节电池充电,放在一四通道,可供选择的电流六档:200 500 700 1000 1500 1800mA
13. 两节电池充电,放在二三通道,可供选择的电流有四档200 500 700 1000mA
14. 四节电池充电,一二三四通道,可供选择的电流有四档200 500 700 1000mA
15. 1500、1800mA充电转放电,放电电流为500mA
16. 1000mA充电转放电,放电电流为500mA
17. 700mA充电转放电,放电电流为350mA
18. 500mA充电转放电,放电电流为250mA
19. 200mA充电转放电,放电电流为100mA
20. 选择dischange、discharge refersh工作模式,可选择的放电电流有四档:100 250 350 500mA
21. 选择charge test工作模式,则可以测试显示当前电池的容量(mAh).
(REFRESH) Refreshfunction is typically used to eliminate battery memory effect. Press MODE key for 3S when the charger is under normal conditions , selecting Refresh (REFRESH) function. Then the charger discharging the battery in the charging slot . The charger automatically begins charging till it is fully charged When the discharge voltages is less than 1V.
23、修复电池(REPAIR)功能用于电池电压为零、充不进电的镍镉镍氢电池。分为四类原因,①严重过放电,②长期存放不用,③电池自放电过大,④电池内部正负电极短路。少数电池本身损坏严重外,都能一定程度的修复,激活电池、恢复容量、重新循环使用。在充电器正常工作状态,长按MODE按键3S,选择修复(REPAIR)功能,充电器将根据自动检测电池情况,对电池进行脉冲小电流表反复充放(0.1C)或用大电流充放(2C~5C), 如果还是不能说明电池彻底损坏没法修复(C表示电池容量)。电池自放电流过大情况,电池容量保持能力比较差,建议采用即充即用方式。
(REPAIR) Repair function is for the battery voltage is zero and/or, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride batteries can not be charged .It pided into four categories of reasons: ① severe discharge;② the long-term storage;③ battery self-discharge is too large,;④ positive and negative electrode short circuit inside the battery. With the expection of a few battery damaged badly, others can be repaired , activated, Recovered capacity or Recycling used to a certain degree. Press MODE key for 3S when the charger is under normal conditions , selecting repair (REPAIR) function. The charger will automatically detect the battery situation, small ammeter repeatedly charge and discharge of battery pulse (0.1C) or with a high current charge and discharge (2C~5C).(“C” indicates the battery capacity). The battery capacity can not be kept very well if the battery self-discharging too serious, on this condition, used when charging is recommended.
(TIMER) Timed charger function. Press MODE key for 3S when the charger is under normal conditions, select the timed charge (TIMER) function, the parameters area displays the length of time to charge, in hours (h). Select confirm by pressing CURRENT and length of time you want to charge. Chargers will be timed using fixed current on the battery charge, the battery can be placed or removed at any time. Rechargeable battery compartment display corresponds to the time, when stop showing FULL. At the same time with temperature protection function.
Determine the non-rechargeable batteries and bad battery function.when a battery is placed into the battery slot,the smart charger can automatically determine whether the battery is a rechargeable battery or a bad battery. If placed into a non-charging battery,the charger will normally works one minute ,detection voltage will immediately rose for 1.5V above, at this time corresponds to flashing displayed ERR each 1S flashing a times. The charger stop charging when it has been flashing displayed ERR for a long time; If placed into at bad battery , the charger detects the voltage of the battery for 15 minutes, if the voltage is less than nickel cadmium, nickel hydrogen minimum discharge voltage or no voltage output the charger will stop charging and display ERR. Users can adjust to fix the battery to the repair function(REPAIR).
Backlight function.The backlight will not open under default condition . when any key is pressed the blue backlight turned on.The blue backlight automatically turns off while no continued to press in 15S.