本规格书适用于微小电流回路的电子设备,属11型回转型编码器. |
This specification applies to 11mm size low-profile rotary encoder(incremental type) |
for microscopic current circuits , used in electronic equipment. |
1-2.标准状态Standard atmospheric conditions |
除另有规定外,测量应在以下状态下进行: |
Unless otherwise specified ,the standard range of atmospheric conditions for making |
measurements and test is as following limits: |
温 度 Ambient temperature : 15℃ to 35℃ |
相对湿度 Relative humidity : 25% to 85% |
气 压 Air pressure :86kpa to 106kpa |
如果对在上述所提到的条件中所做的实测值有疑问的话,应使用以下条件进行测量: |
If doubt arises on the decision based on the measured values under the above-mentioned |
conditions,the following conditions shall be employed: |
温 度 Ambient temperature : 20±1℃ |
相对湿度 Relative humidity : 63% to 67% |
气 压 Air pressure :86kpa to 106kpa |
1-3.使用温度范围 |
Operating temperature range :-30℃ to+80℃ |
1-4.保存温度范围 |
Storage temperature range : -40℃ to+85℃ 图1 fig.1 |
2.构造Construction |
2-1.尺寸 Dimensions |