
| 美国Curtis... 滴漏式咖啡机(单缸.1加仑) Curtis Automatic Single 1 Gallon Coffee Brewer.USA | |
Model:GEM-120A |
单缸.1加仑.全自动 滴漏式咖啡机 Automatic Single 1 Gallons Coffee Brewer |
| Curtis首创的分离式 咖啡保温方桶,可满足繁忙的商业需求,节省空间和费用; ...Curtis’ Gemini Systems are world renowned for their unique, removable Satellite Servers,just add satellites to expand your service; |
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| 非常方便选择12杯或24杯蒸煮量,滴漏好的咖啡保存在1.5加仑容量的方形保温桶内(36杯容量) ...Conveniently and automatically brews 12 or 24 cups of rich, full-bodied coffee at a time into a 36-cup Satellite Server; |
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| 特别适合大型活动、宴会、自助餐、会议中心等客人众多的场合; ...Suitable for Banquet,buffee,meeting center and cafeteria etc; |
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