Office系列.Expobar爱宝香浓咖啡机 Professional Espresso Coffee Machine by Queen & Crem
Model:Office Leva 1GR 2Boilers
Office.乐法系列 (双锅炉.震动泵.水箱式)
...Dual boiler system of which each is 1500ml in capacity,one for pruducing steam and another for brewing coffee;
...专业的冲泡头E61,重达4.2kg; 内置振动泵;;
...Group head is E61 Type(Industry standard),which weighs 4.2Kg; ..Come with a vibrating pump;
...With steam pressure gauge and pump pressure gauge,on the left side,also equiped with digital temperature adjusting system;
...With 2750ml reservior,also can be connected to main water,the best choice of Coffee fans;
.品名 Description
乐法leva 双锅炉香浓咖啡机 Office Leva 1GR 2 Boilers
.品牌 Brand
Expobar.爱宝 Spain.Expobar
.型号 Model
规格:260*460*420mm H; Dimension;
电源:220V,2*1200W; Power;
冲泡头数:1组; One distribution groups;
锅炉容量:2*1.4升铜质锅炉; 2*1.5L handmade copper boiler ;
水箱容量: 2.9升; Water Tank:2.9 L;
水泵种类: 振动泵; Pump;Vibrating
采用PID技术,精确地控制咖啡制作的温度,满足发烧友苛刻的要求; The sensitive thermostat is located in the water of the brew boiler; its temperature is controlled by a proportional–integral–derivative controller;
专业的冲泡头E61,重达4.2kg;锅炉为铜质;机器外壳由2mm厚的不锈钢制造; Traditional E61 lever group head which weighs 4.2Kg;Boiler construction is of copper and brass;The body is made of 2mm thick stainless steel for strength;
双锅炉配置,一个用于冲煮咖啡,一个用于蒸汽和热水; Dual boiler system of which each is 1500ml in capacity,one for pruducing steam and another for brewing coffee;
带气压表和水压表,左侧有液晶面板,显示和调节所需温度; With steam pressure gauge and pump pressure gauge,on the left side,also equiped with digital temperature adjusting system;
自带水箱,水箱容量2900ml,也可外接有压力的水源,咖啡发烧友的理想选择; With 2900ml reservior,also can be connected to main water,the best choice of Coffee fans;