...一壶(2.5升)醇香、清冽的热茶呈现给您,仅需7分钟; ...With a brewing time of only 7 minutes, the tea is ready in an instant!
...可设置不同温度,制作绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、咖啡等; ...Adjust the water temperature through the buttons,you serve differenttea in your store, like green tea and woolong tea;
...特别适合办公场所、快餐、自助餐、大型招待会等场合,以满足这些场所繁忙、快捷的需求; ...It is an ideal efficient brewing solution for all restaurants, catering venues and offices with busy and rapid environment;
.品名 Description
全自动茶咖机 Tea& coffee Machine
.品牌 Brand
皇后 Coffee Queen
.产地 Origin
瑞典 Sweden
.型号 Model
Tea Cater
规格:205*420*675 mmH; Dimension:205*420*675 mmH
电源:230 V,2200 W; Power:230 V,2200 W
产量:20升/小时; Output:20 L/Hour;
进水连接:4“管,冷水; Water connection::Cold Water,1/2" R ;
水箱容量:5 公升; Water Tank: 5 Liters;
茶咖机为自动进水型; The brewer has automatic water filling, full- and half brew function;
机器内置5升的水箱,前面板有热水龙头: Built in tank and hot water tap at the front;
每小时冲茶20升; With a brewing time of only 7 minutes, the tea is ready in an instant;
面板有温度按键(设置冲煮温度)、预泡时间设置、蒸煮量按键(半量蒸煮或全量蒸煮); Temperature button,,Pre-infusion Time,full- and half brew function;
内置热水开关,可放热水; In-built hot water tap ;
操作面板详解About Panels
温度设置/预泡时间设置 Temp Control/Pre-infusion Time
全量蒸煮Full Brew Function
半量蒸煮Half Brew Function
温度可设置,一般来说: 绿茶:85~88°C,茉莉花茶:85~88°C,乌龙茶:92~94°C,红茶:95~96°C;咖啡Coffee:92°C; Recommended temperature of brewing tea: Jasmin tea:85~88°C,Woolong tea:92~94°C,Black Tea:95~96°C,Coffee:92°C;
蒸煮量可设置,分为全量蒸煮(约2.5升),半量蒸煮(约1.25升): Full brew=2.5L Half brew=1.25L;
预浸泡时间可设置,范围在:10~40秒,出厂设置为:30秒; Pre-infusion time is adjustable between 10 - 40 seconds;
全量蒸煮时,茶叶放置50克左右,半量蒸煮:25克,注意均匀分布; Recommended portion of tea:Full brew=50g,Half brew=25g;
【真空保温桶】介绍About the service stations(thermos)
随机附送1个2.5升的真空保温壶; 1pc 2.5-Litre serving station & 25 pcs filter paper included;
在保证口味和香气不变的情况下,持续保温数小时之久,每小时仅有0.5°C的温度损失: Thermos can brew coffee directly into a practical airpot.Handy when you need to keep the coffee warm as well as retain its taste and aroma;
特制的把手,可轻松将保温壶放置于任何您想提供服务的地方; Remove the thermos from the coffee brewer and position it where you want the coffee to be served;