装框机(Pack frame machine)
1.主要用途与适用范围(Main application and applicable scope):
HF-ZKA-based composite group box is a machine angle button access code-shaped aluminum frame assembly of one of the special equipment, from tanks, fuel tanks, steel and rail directly from the assembly, can be laminated components finished After the aluminum alloy components of the extrusion frame positioning, and then the use of hydraulic power aluminum alloy frame will be fixed in a single device to achieve a group box, aluminum alloy frame fixed in order to simplify the operating strength of workers, to save time, improve the The quality of products. Applicable to a variety of end-profile. Whole structure of the well-designed, high-rigidity, the adjustment range, to meet different user group box-size requirements.
2.主要技术参数(Major technique parameter):
最大组框外形尺寸The maximum outer dimension of frame(四角quadrangle):2000×1200×(35-50)mm
最小组框外形尺寸The minimum outer dimension of frame(四角quadrangle):200×180×(35-50)mm
组框精度Group frame precision:对边尺寸之差+1mm(Difference of the opposite side size +1mm)
对角线尺寸之差±1.5mm(Difference of the diagonal line size ±1.5mm)
四角角度偏差±0.50(The debiation of quadrilateral angle ±0.50)
组框动力Group frame power:气动、液压动力pneumatic, hydraulic pressure power
工作气压Work barometric pressure:0.4Mpa-0.7Mpa
最大外形尺寸The maximum dimension:2900×1900×970mm
液压压力Hydraulic pressure:1.0Mpa-15.0Mpa
操作方式Operating mode:人工Artificial
3.设备特点(Equipment characteristic):
3.1适用于铝合金边框-角部位使用角码钮接的连接方式The connection mode apply to the aluminum alloy frame - the use of the site angle angle button access
Aluminum alloy frame plastic injection→Aluminum alloy components placed inside the frame→HQXD→Components of the four corners of the group at the same time frame→Diagonal knife at the same time button access code (Hydraulic Power), each corner to form a four-point dent.
3.2满足用户不同组框尺寸的要求User Group to meet different frame size requirements
while group frame about module's quadrangle,the minimum dimension of frame:2000×1200×(35-50)mm, the minimum dimension of frame:700×650×(35-50)mm,Within this user adjustable according to requirements of non-polar and adjusted very easily.
4.设备效率Device efficiency
The HF-ZKA solar cell board group frame machine uses 3 people to operate, namely 2 person of high-quality goods, 1 person of operating equipment.Half a minute to complete a cycle of work.