轮胎自补液(Tire sealant)工作原理如何?
因此当轮胎漏气时,不需要浪费时间去补胎。这种自我修复的自补液能防止轮胎漏气长达两年。 自补液在轮胎转动时,离心力会迫使自补液在胎面区域形成一层保护层,修复可能产生及现有的刺孔。
B. 适合所有橡胶类的真空胎、普通内胎使用。
C. 含有防爆胎化学元素,能降低爆胎几率90%以上。
D. 适于-10—90的工作环境。
E. 按定量一次注入自补剂,能反复自补轮胎漏气100次以上,修补直径达7毫米以上。
中国轮胎自补液/自补剂生产厂商(tire sealant manufacturer)现状分析
由于市场的巨大需求,中国现在有为数众多的各类轮胎自补剂生产厂商,包括大型的和小作坊式的;其它国家也有不少。一般大厂生产的产品要比许多小作坊生产的产品质量要好得多, 而由于化学成本本身也导致价格会相应的要高些, 有时化学成本本身的价格已经高于一些市场上出售的产品价格。同时这些高质量的产品占有的市场份额也相应的高很多。但是只有少数几家做出来的产品质量是有保证的。此外,也可以在市场中发现一些厂家生产假冒伪劣产品,一点补胎的效果都没有或者不是有效的化学配方;虽然他们的价格也会相应的低很多。这是由于他们当中大多数并不是真正起作用的化学成分或有效的化学配方,有些厂家甚至使用生粉混水。
对于此类真正有效的化学成分,有一个简单的比喻可以更好的理解这一点:当炒菜时忘记了放盐,但只有当你亲口品尝时才会感觉得到。盐其实也是一种矿产品(化学成分),只不过这可以为人类所品尝。此类自动补胎产品在中国称为”轮胎自补剂, 轮胎自补液, 轮胎自补胶"; 在国外称为"Tire sealant".
等级划分 | 化学成分 | 补胎效果 | 外观 |
A级 | 化学配方+橡胶+水 | 粘性良好 | 浓度高,绿色 |
B级 | 少量化学成分+橡胶+水 | 粘性+腐蚀轮毂 | 浓度一般,黑色 |
C级 | 生粉+水 | 不起作用+腐蚀轮毂 | 浓度稀,灰色 |
Anti-Rust Tire SealantJIA BAO LONG - Worldwide Leader in Tire Care-Repairing a flat tire?JIA BAO LONG Tire&Tube Sealant
No longer afraid of iron nails!
●Prevents and Repairs flats caused by puncturing objects. |
●Repair new and existing punctures over300times. |
●Leading Factory over10years in China. |
●Self Researched & Unique Chemical Formula -Best Quality |
●PriceHigher, Chemical PercentageHigher |
●Seals Punctures Instantly. |
●Great for slow leaks. |
●Some countries doNOThave such products. |
● How doesJIA BAO LONGtire sealant work?
JIA BAO LONG tire sealantcoats the inside of the tire within the tread area, allowing the product to seal tread area punctures.When the tire ispunctured, the escaping air carries thesealantto the puncture. The liquid portion of the sealant escapesand the fibers andbinders build-up and intertwine to form a flexible plug. This will allow the product to instantly seal any
puncture that mayur.
Don’t waste time repairing a flat tire.JIA BAO LONGself-healingsealantsprevent flats for up to two years. As theJIA BAO
LONGtire sealant treated tirerotates, centrifugal force pushes the sealant to the tread area creating a layer of protection,
repairingpunctures as theyur and treating existing punctures.
1.Tire SealantAdvantages:
●Extend the tire working life
●No hurt or damage for the tire & wheel
2. Tire SealantAttributes:
●Nonexplosive Substances
●Nonflammable Formula
●Nontoxic Substances
Note:《Certificate of safe transport of goods》&《MSDS》as normal goods for shipping & customs clearance.
3.Tire SealantTechnicalData
Item | Specification |
Punctures Probability | Reduce 90% after used (See the video on our website) |
Working Environment | 0℃- 90℃ |
Seals Punctures Holes Dia. | Tubeless tire: up to 1/3.6”(7mm); Tube-type tire: up to 1/8”(3mm) |
Suitable Tire Type | Tubeless tire & Tube-type tire – All rubber tire |
Tire Blow-out Probability | Including the chemical to decrease 90% of tire explosion |
Enduring Puncture Times | Automatically repair the punctures over 300 times |
How Much per Tire?
Application | mL |
Bicycle, E-Bicycle | 250-350 |
Motorcycle | 400-500 |
Auto | 500-700 |
Truck | 800-1,000 |
The performance & technical indexes of our products are Bestof the same domestic products, and same effectas import products.
Now the tire sealant quality levels in China can be classified as below:
Quality level | Composition | Sealing puncture effect | Appearance |
Grade A | Water + Rubber + Chemical | Good stickiness | Thick, Green colour |
Grade B | Water + Rubber+ little chemical | Common & wheel rust | Thin, Black colour |
Grade C | Water + Starchy Flour | Cheating & wheel rust | Thin, Grey colour |
Note: In many countries, Grade B had been popularly epted by customers.
For the Anti-Rust & Anti-Freeze function of Grade A, most of the factories don’t have this chemical formula. That is why you can find in the northern part of China, only one or twotire sealantfactorycansell their products there. Also this will be required as customer’s requirements.
Parable Explanation:
Let’s make a parable about the fiber, it is just like when you built the steel reinforced concrete house, the fiberused in Grade A is the same effect as steel reinforcing fabric; the house can be strong after using the steel(fiber- Grade A). But Grade B is as the house of steel reinforced concrete without steel reinforcing fabric (fiber).
1. Over the past10years, we had owned the high market share in China and win the confidences from our customers.
2. Some factories produce deceitful products which doesn’t work at all; otherwise, their prices even loweraroundRMB 1.Generally such products would eWaterafter three months.
●CurrentChina Tire Sealant ManufacturerAnalysis
There are many kinds oftire sealantsfactories in China & other countries of the world due to the vast market and demands, big or small workshop. Generally the good quality sealants from big factories is much better than many small workshop’s products, also their prices are reasonable higher ording to the chemical cost itself. At the same time, these high quality products have the high market share ordingly. Anyway, there are only several factories have made the real effectivetire sealantfor repairing a flat tire.
Otherwise, maybe you can find there are some deceitful sealants in the market which don’t work at all or the chemical formula is not really effective, although their prices are much cheaper. Because most of them are not the real chemical inside or not the effective formula, there are have a simply parable for you to understand: when you et to add the salt during cooking, but you cannot find anything different until you taste it. The salt actually is kind of the mine (chemical composition) which can be eaten by human.
● Tire Sealant Quality Judgement
The judge of the quality is base on chemical composition and stickiness inside, not simply by appearance like colour etc. Many customers had fallen into an incorrect thought that they only judge the quality by colour, and required the lowest price, not matter what the chemical composition inside which have certain function that influent the effect.
Another important index to judge is how long the sealant would not dry & how long can still have the stickiness after dried. Manytire sealantswould dried quickly and no stickiness at all.
●Knowledge sharing:
Why Coca-Cola’s formula is so mystery? What is it inside and make Coca so
The Coca-Cola formula is The Coca-Cola Company's top-secret recipe for Coca-Cola. The formula is considered one of the most closely-held trade secrets in modern business. In China, there are only one place produce the formula for all factories in the whole country - that is Shanghai. Only two people in the company know the formula at any one time.
Merchandise 7X is the "secret ingredient" in the formula, other 99.5% in Coca-Cola iscarbonated water. In 1985, “New coke” replaced the original formula which caused stock prices down and customer’s angry. Coca-Cola had to return its classic formula.
From the Coca-Cola formula to make it ess we know, formula is also important for any products: like beverage or chemical products which make the products have different quality and prices! Even our newtire sealantis the same situation!
What made us stand over one decade in thetire sealant marketis the Chemical Formula!