产品介绍 General Specifications |
Diagonal Size 尺寸 | 2.4” |
Color 颜色 | Green |
Type 类型 | Monochrome |
Pixel Number 分辨率 | 128x64 |
Module Size(mm) 模组尺寸 | 62.1 × 50 × 9 |
Active Size(mm) 显示区域 | 55.01 × 27.49 |
Driver IC 驱动IC | SSD1305 |
Interface 接口 | SPI |
View Angle 视角 | >160 degree |
Contrast 对比度 | >10000:1 |
Brightness(cd/m2) 亮度 | 80(Typ)@13V |
Weight(g) 重量 | 8.6 |
Power 功耗 | 13V*29.6mA+3.3V*180uA |
Operating Temperature 操作温度 | -40~70 |
Assembly 连接方式 | 10Pin 1.0mm FPC Connector OR 2.0mm Metal pins |
接口定义 Pin Assignment |
序号(No.) | 定义(SYMBOL) | 说明(Description) |
1 | VCC3.3 | 数字电路电源电压Power
Supply for Logic Circuit |
2 | VCC3.3 | 数字电路电源电压Power
Supply for Logic Circuit |
3 | EN | OLED供电使能信号,高有效OLE Panel Power Enable Signal
active High to Enable |
4 | GND | 数字电路电源地 Ground of
Logic Circuit |
5 | CS | 片选信号Chip Select
6 | RES | 复位信号Power Reset |
7 | D/C | 数据与命令控制信号Data/Command Control |
8 | GND | 数字电路电源地 Ground of
Logic Circuit |
9 | SCLK | SPI时钟信号 Serial Clock of SPI |
10 | SDIN | SPI输入信号 Serial Data of SPI |
序号(No.) | 型号(MODEL
NO.) | 说明(Description) |
1 | M24S1305_Y | 1305控制器 黄字 1305 controller Yellow |
2 | M24S1305_G | 1305控制器 绿字 1305 controller Green |