中量B型货架Medium Weight B Type Rack 主要由柱片、横梁和层板组成,其特点为插接连接,每层承载力相对A型有很大的提高,每层承载300-800㎏,表面采用静电喷塑,外形美观大方,用途广泛,高度方向各层间距可以按50㎜节距任意调节。柱片:柱片由经过全自动冲孔、冷弯轧制的立柱及横斜撑通过防松螺栓联结。立柱上冲有双排孔,孔间距为50㎜,供横梁在挂接立柱时可在固定节距内根据用户需要调节层高。横梁:由冷轧P形优质管材和二只柱卡组焊而成,并配制安全销,这种结构钢度、强度好,重量轻,承载能力高,安全性好等优点。层板:采用优质冷轧钢板经轧制成行或折弯成形钢层板,可选配中纤板、原木板等。The structure is inserting connected by frame and beam. The beam can be adjusted by 50mm distance for heavy loading and long unit rack, commonly with 300-800kg per layer. The layer can be used by steel, paring,fiber, or wood. the height could be adjusted easily by 50mm distance. Frame: Frame including upright by the automatic-punching、 rolling Bracing。That be connected through the pine-bolt connection. Column on a double-hole, hole spacing of 50 mm for the beams. Beam: P style pipe and fastener be welded, safety pin, plug into safty-pin. stiffness and strength are good, It is light, high capacity, good security advantages. Shelving: high-quality rolling steel be made ,the trip or bending steel laminates,The layer can be used fire or wood. 南京研华仓储设备有限公司销售部:南京市中山南路309号6楼厂址:南京浦口石桥经济开发区桥北路8号电话:025-84450906 86620879-806传真:025-86620869-mail:njyhcc@联系人:周先生 13073437527诚招经销商