I. 产品用途: Application 手动数控烫画机是专门为满足时尚人士追求服饰个性化而设计,根据热转印的工作原理,选用专用的热转印纸,可以将热转印纸上的各种图画,烫印到如服装、毛巾、箱包、袜子、手套等棉纺织品上。 The Digital Heat Press Machine is specially designed for satisfying the fashion pursuing people who pursue the inpiduation of garments. It is based on heat transfer principles. Choosing the special heat transfer foil and it can transfer various motifs on heat transfer foil to the surface of cotton textiles such as clothing, towel, bags, socks and gloves. II. 本机特点 Properties of the Unit 1.本机采用单片机程序控制,温度采样、转换均系数字显示,反映灵敏、 精确度高。 Controlled by SCM program, temperature monitored by digital display for high precision. 2.背光源液晶显示温度值和时间经过值。 LCD displays the temperature value and time. 3.触摸开关设定参数快捷方便;电路控制一体化,调校、维修方便。 Digital dialed disk for easy parameter setting. Integrative electric control system for simple maintenance. 4.电路双重保险保护,使用安全可靠。 Dual protection of electric system for safe operation. 5.采用特制电热板加热,发热均匀寿命长。 Special heating element adopted for heating, equal heating and long lifetime. 该机器造型美观,操作方便,烫印的温度和时间都可随意设定,可以满足不同材料及热转印油墨特性的烫印需要。使用该机器烫画,节省电能并且工作效率高。 Compact design, simple operation, capable setting of stamping temperature and stamping time make it enable to meet various printing purpose. Moreover, energy saving and high efficiency for stamping. 为了确保能够正确使用本机,避免由于不当的操作引起的困扰,请在本机通电使用前,详细阅读本说明书,并且按照说明书的提示和要求使用。 To ensure using the machine correctly and avoid the trouble which is caused by improper operation. Users are required to read the operation manual in detail before using and to operate the machine in accordance with the instructions given in this operation manual. III. 主要技术参数: Technical Data 1.电热功率: Electro-thermal power: 2.温度设定范围:常温~260℃ Range of temperature: ambient temperature ~ 260℃ 3.时间设定范围0~9999秒 Range of time: 0~9999 seconds 4. 烫板面积: Area of stamping plate: 5. 外形尺寸: Dimensions: 6. 电 源: 220V/50Hz Power supply: 7. 重 量: Weight: