一、 基本功能与特点 Features:
1、 本机采用特殊链条在线式输送被焊PCB,有效提高工作效率;
Using special chain conveyor to on-line transport PCB to reach higher efficiency
2、 喷口可更换,可焊PCB品种多;
Changable nozzle for multipul PCBs
3、 锡炉容量小,耗电量少,锡渣产生量少,有效节约使用成本;
Small volume tin oven with low power comsuption and soldering dross to save cost
4、 可进行连续性喷锡及多段速间断喷锡调节,达到焊锡效果;
The machin has continously spray soldering and discontinously soldering founction to suit for different soldering requirement.
5、 具备预热功能,提高产品焊接质量;
Equiped with preheating founction to improve soldering quality.
6、 多段运输使其具备待板功能,减少焊接运输时间,间接提高工作效率;
Multipal stage conveyation system with PCB waitting founction can reduce transportation time.
7、 焊接时间短,透锡性能好;
Short soldering time with good quality
8、 锡炉表面具有隔热防护网,避免操作员烫伤,机壳表面温度控制在45度以内.
Tin Oven covered with mesh to protect worker burnt, the surface temperature of machine is on 45℃
二、 整机部分 Body:
1、 电源Power:220V;
2、 启动功率Totol power consumption:3.2KW;
3、 正常功率Normal running power:≤1.5KW;
4、 净重Net weight:约180KG;
5、 外型尺寸Dimension:1200mm(L)X1200mm(W)X1600mm(H)
三、 电控部份 Electronic Part:
1、 三菱触摸屏操作;
Mitsubishi touch screen operation
2、 三菱PLC控制整机动作;
Mitsubishi PLC Controls the machine
3、 控温采用PID+SSR模式;
PID+SSR temperature control
4、 漏电保护装置;
Installed Leakage Protector